Un-WWPACK/32 Beta 9 1. How to stn-wwpp.exe output is stored in Cracked.exe 2. How does it work It loads the PE-file almost as windows would, then it patches the ww-unpack routine to append my code instead of the original code. What I do is I piece together a new PE-file from the unpacked version in memory. Simple! :).. The large size of the EXE file is because I allocate memory this way. This is unfortunate, however unavoidble with the flat- model in tasm and building my own linker was going a tad overboard considering it will package to almost nothing. This also mean that very big packed files will not unpack. I do not identify WWP - meaning that you must identify a WWPACKed file PRIOR to proceeding or suffer a chrash. I do not remove the WWunpacking code/object table so despite the unpacking you'll still see the WWP in the exe-file - however the file is unpacked and patchable. The WWP code is no longer used for anything. Further my Object size determination routine is far less than optimal. Actually it plain sucks. The above point means that unpacked files will most likely be far bigger than the original file before it was packed - however it'll provide a functional match. 3. Btw's Btw - this was my second non-generic type unpacker :)))) And I can say that PE isn't as hard as it's made out to be. It just requires more work than DOS. So come on people - get with the challenge :) Yes! I know this is a lame unpacker - but gimme credit.... atleast I did a PE-unpacker :)... 4. Greets Thanks To Patriarch - my landlord and friend. And everybody who has ever encouraged me. My sourcecodes will be released on request. 5. Contacting email: stone@one.se WWW : http://www.one.se/~stone or http://www.cracking.net/stone