CD Streamer 1.1.4 Overview Capabilities CD Streamer is an integrated Compact Disc (CD) audio recorder and player. Using RealAudio technology, CD Streamer copies music from CD tracks and Wav files, compressing the resulting digital audio data by a factor of 94% or more with virtually no sound quality loss. CD Streamer includes a jukebox-like player/organizer for these streamed audio files, with a title editor, playlist management, and random play. With a few mouse clicks, you can also create standalone copies of this jukebox player that are portable to other PCs (via high capacity removable drives such as SparQ or Zip). Benefits With CD Streamer, you no longer need CDs to listen to hi-fi music on the PC. You can create a multi-playlist jukebox of your favorite tracks for your work PC or your laptop, and thereafter leave your CDs at home. Your hi-fi music is always only mouse clicks away, with your CD-ROM drive free for other applications. CD Streamer achieves 94% (or greater) digital audio compression, minimizing hard drive use. User interface CD Streamer's user interface (what you see on the monitor) is organized by 4 'tabs' toward the top of its 'window' (the rectangular area with 'CD Streamer' top left). Clicking on a tab makes the user interface display a page of information and controls (buttons, grids, etc) related to a particular set of capabilities. A screen shot of CD Streamer's 4 tabs is shown below, with a brief description of that tab's purpose: Tab 1 --- 'StreamBox': Organize and play streamed audio music that you've created from CDs (on Tab 2) and Wav files (on Tab3). Also, create standalone portable jukebox players on removable drives, and email your music to internet recipients. Tab 2 --- 'CD streaming': Copy and compress music from CDs, using RealAudio streaming technology. These streamed files are automatically listed on Tab 1. CD Streamer uses the CDDB standard over the Internet to retrieve CD artist, title and track information, which it shares with Windows' default CD player. Tab 3 --- 'Wav file streaming': Copy and compress Wav files, using RealAudio streaming technology. These streamed files are automatically listed on Tab 1. Tab 4 --- 'Information and help': Register CD Streamer, view this help file, and visit important Web sites.