Play More Neo Geo Games on the teaser! In this zip are bat files to convert the MGD2 dumps of NEO GEO games into files the teasor can use. Bat files for the following games are included. 8 Man Crossed Swords Cyberlip (Romlist Dump) ***** DO NOT RUN convert.bat ON THIS ROM ***** FootballFrenzy JoyJoyKid LastResort Magician Lord (Romlist Dump) ***** DO NOT RUN convert.bat ON THIS ***** NinjaCombat Nam 1975 (Mgd2 DUMP) Riding Hero RoboArmy SoccerBrawl ThrashRally 2020 BaseBall Partially Working Game Bats added; Burning Fight Ghost Pilots Top Players Golf Sengoku Densyo Mutation Nation King Of Monsters Fatal Fury Alpha Mission 2 Art of Fighting Unzip any of these games into an empty Nam_1975 directory. Copy con3.exe, convert.bat, and the games bat file into the directory. run .bat then run convert.bat Now you can play the game with the teaser. Enjoy! Chemical BIG THANKS to MH427 for con3.exe!!!!! BIG THANKS to Johan for the greatest teaser ever in the emulation scene! :) Be sure to visit