Welcome to the first of many mods for XvT Ship Changer Version 0.8 Newest version is always available at WWW.MOSEISLEY.COM Written by Chris Napiorkowski (yoda@moseisley.com) Copyright 1997 Realmwalkers Unlimited. All Rights Reserved I the programmer along with Realmwalkers Unlimited and MosEisley.com cannot be held responsible for any unfortunate happenings as a result of running this program. Features with this version: Backup of the original file to frntspec.bak Prompts for the drive and directory Xvt is installed in Menu driven to select which ship you want (you don't need to know the filenames anymore) enter a -1 at any prompt to quit out of the program Features coming up: Can go back up the menu tree and alter multiple ships if you so desire When you run this program, it does not need to be in your XvT directory. It will run from anywhere on your system. WHen you do run it, it will prompt you for the drive letter you installed the game on. Please just type in a letter and not the letter and a colon (not sure how it will respond to that so don't try it). After that, it will ask for what directory you installed the game in. you do NOT need a preceeding slash before the directory list You do however need to make sure that if you do need to include a slash that it is the "/" and not the "\" (the program rsponds really wierd if you put the wrong one in. After that, the program is very menu driven. If you make a mistake, you can enter a -1 at any prompt and it will quit out of the program. Simply Hilarious battles: Try astroid1.opt Try factry.opt If you wish to have the original files back, just copy the file frntspec.old to frntspec.lst in the frontres directory. If you have any problems or ideas, please email me at Yoda@MosEisley.com Thank you for using this simple little utility.