INSTRUCTIONS for entering SAUSAGE SOFTWARE Registration Data ============================================================= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For best viewing, do NOT word wrap as this document contains a couple of ASCII diagrams which will get FUBAR'ed if word wrap. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In order to carry this off successfully, you need to get EVERY SINGLE LETTER copied into the registration screen in EXACTLY THE RIGHT SPOT and WITHOUT EXTRA KEYSTROKES nor any MISSING KEYSTROKES. To ensure this get's done, follow this example. I'll use the reg info for Swami, but the same will hold true for all the programs. First, run the Swami program AND open this document with your favorite text editor (one that supports COPY and PASTE functions). You'll want both of these running so you have easy access to both the registration screen and the registration information. Now, to bring up the registration screen for the particular program you want to register, go to the program's MAIN window. From the main menu bar (sits just above the button bar if the program has one) click on HELP (usually the furthest item to the left of the window). From the drop-down menu that appears, choose one of the following depending on which program you're registering. REGISTER REGISTRATION ABOUT ------> "About" box pops up -----> choose REGISTER ABOUT ---> "About" box pops up ---> choose REGISTER Since I have not attempted the registration on every one of Sausage's program's, I can't be sure that they always use the same drop-down menu with all of their programs. In any case, the registration screen will DEFINITELY be linked to one of the items in the drop-down menus for the program. If needed just start from the right-most menu item on the main program screen and start hunting through the drop-down menus until you find an item that refers to the registration process. You'll know when you find the registration screen since it's hard to miss. It's a window containing a huge edit box that's big enough for this paragraph. OK, you found it. Now it's time to get the reg info into the box in just the right way. Click over to this document and with your mouse cursor, highlight the user name and serial number for the program you want to register. Make sure to INCLUDE THE WORDS "User Name:" and "Serial Number:" including the colon and the space which follows the colon. DO NOT copy the program name, this should NOT be pasted into the edit box. To COPY the information correctly, follow these instructions using the registration information in the ABOVE list: Swami position cursor here------>User Name: Xerox's CompuTerror Serial Number: 0PMQ619W96JMUK5LM7V1 Now click your PRIMARY mouse button and hold it down. Now "drag" the cursor as follows: Swami User Name: Xerox's CompuTerror Serial Number: 0PMQ619W96JMUK5LM7V1<-------drag cursor to here Now let go of the mouse button. The information should now be highlighted Note that you DO NOT want to highlight the program name, which in this case is "Swami". Q: But why do some of the regs on the list have 4 lines of info? A: The middle two lines for "Company Name" and "Expiry Date" are apparently OPTIONAL for most if not all of the programs. I have myself used both the 2 line data and the 4 line data to success- fully register the same program (on different installs). I have left the information as I found it. If you find that one of the 4-line data regs does NOT work for you, try it with only the first and fourth lines (User Name and Serial Number). Now you need to COPY the information to the CLIPBOARD. You can do this either by using the menu items of the text editor you are using (usually click EDIT, then choose COPY from drop-down menu), or you may use the keyboard by hitting CTRL + C (depress the Control key and the C key at the same time). Q: What do I copy if I want to use a 4-line data reg? A: You should copy all 4 lines as outlined above, but remember that you're going to need to modify this info after you paste it (before hitting the REGISTER button). Now that the information is copied to the clipboard, you need to PASTE it into the edit box. Go to the registration window of the program you are registering. In the large edit box, position your cursor at the LEFT-MOST and TOP-MOST position in the box. You can make sure you are there by hitting the backspace button a couple times until the cursor doesn't move anymore. Now PASTE the infor- mation by using either of these methods: 1. With the cursor in the left-most and top-most position, click your ALTERNATE mouse button (for most people this will be the RIGHT). You should get a pop-up menu. Choose the "Paste" command and click using your PRIMARY mouse button. 2. With the cursor in the left-most and top-most position, press CTRL + V (press the Control key and V key at the same time). This is what the edit box should look like after you're done entering the data (2-line data reg): _________________________________________________ |User Name: Xerox's CompuTerror | |Serial Number: 0PMQ619W96JMUK5LM7V1 | | | | | | | | | |________________________________________________| And this is how it should look after you've entered a 4-line reg: _________________________________________________ |User Name: Xerox's CompuTerror | |Company Name: (Anything you Like) | |Expire Date: (Leave Blank) | |Serial Number: 0PMQ619W96JMUK5LM7V1 | | | | | |________________________________________________| NOTE that if you use a 4-line reg, you need to make 2 modifications of the info you just pasted into the box: 1. REPLACE "(Anything you Like)" with a name of your choice. 2. DELETE "(Leave Blank)" so the line is REALLY blank. So it will end up looking more like this: _________________________________________________ |User Name: Xerox's CompuTerror | |Company Name: John Doe, Inc. | |Expire Date: | |Serial Number: 0PMQ619W96JMUK5LM7V1 | | | | | |________________________________________________| Now everybody make SURE that the following are ALL TRUE: 1. There are NO spaces between the left edge of the edit window and the first letter in each line. 2. There are NO EXTRA SPACES after the last letter in each line. You can check this by highlighting the data in the edit box. If there are any extra spaces, they will show up as highlighted spaces. Get rid of any extra spaces by backspacing over them. 3. There are NO EXTRA LINES between the top of the edit box and the first line of the registration data. This should be quite obvious but if need, you can check by highlighting the edit box. There should be NO highlighted area above the reg entries. 4. You HAVE ENTERED ONE (1) CARRIAGE RETURN after the last letter or number in the serial number entry. Again you can check this by highlighting the edit box. Highlighting by drag clicking the edit box from top to bottom should reveal that your cursor ends up situated exactly one line below the letter "S" of the word "Serial Number:" The cursor should therefore be right up against the left edge of the edit box (no highlighted space to the left of the cursor). If your cursor shows up LOWER than this, simply backspace until it come up to the appropriate line. 5. The two COLONS are present in the reg data you entered. 6. There is ONE SPACE between the colon and the first letter/number in the user name, serial number, and company name. 7. You have NOT entered the NAME of the program. (meaning that there should be only 2 lines of information) When you are convinced that you've entered the data correctly, use your mouse to click on the "Register" button or the "OK" button on the registration screen. (One or the other should be present) If you've succeeded, you'll get a message box thanking you for reg- istering. Sometimes you'll need to close and reopen the program in order for the registration to take effect and fully unlock the program. Good Luck, -ZuLu