Reminder v4.2 Shareware Version ReadMe ======================================= ( Turn "WordWrap" ON to read this file ) CONTENTS: 1. DESCRIPTION 2. INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION 3. REGISTRATION 4. UPGRADING? 5. CHANGES 1. DESCRIPTION -------------- Isn't it embarrassing to forget a birthday, an appointment -- or worst of all -- your wedding anniversary? Instead of tying a string around your finger, let your PC help you to keep on top of your game with Reminder. The first time you launch Windows each day (or every time, if you wish), Reminder will pop up a list of all the things you have to do. Add items to appear once or repeat them daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. You pick the range of days you want to be reminded in advance for each item. Overdue items (such as those nasty bills) can be kept on screen until you've taken care of them. You can print a list of your events as well as back up and restore your events data using the program's built-in backup function. Of course, if you use the program regularly, you won't have any more excuses for forgetting that special day. 2. INSTALLATION --------------- A) Insert the Installation disk into your floppy drive or unzip the archive to a temporary folder on your hard drive. B) Run SETUP95.EXE . SETUP will automatically: - create a new Reminder program group (or folder) - create icons for Reminder and support files - optionally create an icon for Reminder in your Start-Up folder - install the required files to a directory of your choice ( C:\Program Files\Reminder by default ) Reminder is self-contained and requires no DLL's. It therefore makes minimal changes to your system. It can be completely removed using the uninstall utility. C) Create a few events to get a feel for the program's operation. Size the grid columns, resize and position the Reminders window, to suit your screen resolution and tastes. D) To remove Reminder from your system simply use the "Uninstall Reminder" icon from your Reminder program folder. 3. REGISTRATION --------------- Registration costs £12 ( twelve UK Pounds ) or $20 ( twenty US dollars ) from AGENDA Computer Solutions. We can accept payment via cheque money order in both currencies. Use the order form ORDER.TXT which came with this archive. You can also register Reminder using your credit card via PSL, a credit card ordering service. PSL can accept orders via email or fax using the order form PSLORDER.TXT, and the registration fee via PSL is $22 ( twenty two US dollars ). PSL also offer an "on-line" service which enables you to register over the Internet. Visit our web-site at: for details of this service. Compuserve users can also register online through SWREG # 14867, for $22 ( twenty two US dollars ). The shareware version is easily converted to the registered version by means of a "Registration Key", so no further downloads or disks are needed. Registration means full support, free upgrades, and no nag-screens. 4.UPGRADING? ------------ Here's how to merge your data from versions 2.x/3.x: 1. Once you've downloaded you need to install it: a. unzip the zip file to a temporary directory b. then run the file: setup95.exe to install Reminder v4.2 2.Once installed, run the program from the Reminder group on your start menu. If you already have v3.x installed then there will be several icons for Reminder: to run Reminder v4.2 for windows 95 you need to select the icon "Reminder v4.2" 3.When the program is running you'll notice 2 things: a. The Main Window. This looks identical to the main window from version 3.x. If you check the "About" box ( Select "About" from the "Help" menu of Reminder's main window) you'll see it's v4.2 for win95. b. You'll also notice an icon for Reminder in your system tray ( the small area on the right of your task bar which has the time in it ). 4. When you minimize Reminder's main window the "tray icon" becomes active. Right click on it with your mouse to access a menu. From this menu you can exit Reminder or display the Reminders Window and so on. 5. Finally, to transfer the data from your previous version you need to "merge" it to the data for the new version. The data for your previous version is in a file called "reminder.rem" and it's probably in "c:\reminder". So here is a step by step guide to doing the merge: (i). From the "File" menu of Reminder's Main Window ( ie Reminder v4.2 ) select "Merge" (ii). You'll be asked if you want to merge data from an earlier version of Reminder. Choose "yes" (iii).The "Merge Reminder File" dialog box comes up so you need to navigate round your system to your data file that we mentioned in (5) above. (iv).Once you've located reminder.rem using the "Merge Reminder File" dialog double-click on it. This will activate the merge process. (v).If the merge goes well a little message comes up to advise you of merge success 5. CHANGES * System Tray Icon now completely optional * fixed program exit bug in Quick Mode * fixed incompatibility problems with cesrtain display/adapter combinations * redesigned Options Dialog with popup help enabled for each component * file size/load time reduction * small changes to interface and help file * installation routine now protects previous registry settings * Reminder now acknowledges registration details from versions prior to v4.xx AGENDA Computer Solutions 2 Maple Drive Elkesley Retford DN22 8AX England Tel: (0) 1777 838357 email: www: