RV2 Raster to Vector conversion program v3.2.15 - Win 95/NT Cracked by: DrHeX { PC98 - "Best Crackers on the Net" } =========================================================== Where: ftp://ftp.std.com/vendors/r2v/demo32.zip or Where: R2V Also needs "OpenGL" program to work on Windows 95/NT Where: ftp://ftp.std.com/vendors/r2v/opengl.zip Info: This is one of the best Raster to Vector conversion programs I have ever seen. The crack was a bit easier than I thought! The demo version was limited function (No New Project - Save, Print etc.) and the bought version ($700.00 US Plus) had a HASP hardware key on the printer port. The demo version did not need the hardware key but lacked in features. I began by downloading the upgrade software available on the website. I noticed immediately that the demo exe file and the upgrade exe file were identical in size. Ahhh... a good sign because this meant that the demo was most likely a scaled down patched original file. I quickly did a file compare an found very minor code changes in the two files. Next, I decided to substitute the upgrade exe file for the demo file, and patch out the HASP calls. This was actually easier than I had thought because the dongle was only looked at twice in the entire code. Two simple JMP (EB) patches and the Hardware key was history! I have included a sample of the patches below for future update references... Enjoy! HASP Hardware key Elimination Patch: 03C1C9: 75 10 TO EB 10 03C208: 75 10 TO EB 10