3/6/98 Ponger version 2.9 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Savant Software Ponger is designed to keep dial-up Internet connections alive. What's New: ----------- --- Version 2.9 --- Fixed a bug in PongerPro that did not minimize to tray on NT Enhanced error reporting on failed connections --- Version 2.8 --- Added confirmation dialogs to add and delete buttons. modified geometry of host list for easier use. --- Version 2.7 --- We noticed that several users had trouble with the host list and how to set it up.. This version contains an updated INI file that will fix that. --- Version 2.6 --- Added port sensing to allow ponger to be idle if modem not connected Rotation of target hosts Added code to Pro version to: search system and press buttons of other apps config dialog for setup of Pro options --- Version 2.5 --- Fixed an error in Ponger16 that caused the time on-line to display incorrectly Added code to get the local IP address immediately. --- Version 2.4 --- Interval randomized to prevent hosts from training on it. Local IP address detected and displayed. Errors logged to a file. Host name pull down list box All winsock calls are now asynchronous ( no more hangs ) What does Ponger do: --------------------- I noticed that if I was not active on my connection for about 7 minutes my ISP's server would drop the connection. This was aggravating when viewing large documents, since I might want to continue on another doc. By running Ponger after getting connected you will be able to keep your connection alive without any activity on your part for as long as you like ( barring phone line problems, of couse ). Tests have run successfully for 12 hours here and the record is 39 hours.. Services supported: ------------------- Pong uses a pseudo-ping to tag the host at the user selected interval ( 60 sec is default ). I found that a real ping would not work with all winsock dlls since they don't all support raw sockets. The Daytime service hits the host and displays the returned string. This tags the host but does something more useful than Pong. The Time service sets the PC's clock and displays the time. Be sure to set the TimeZone or your system clock will be off. Ponger16.exe is a 16 bit client ( yes, it works fine w/ Win95 ). Ponger32.exe is the 32 bit client ( which requires Win95 or NT; Win32s does not provide support for 32 bit winsock - use the 16 bit version ). Ponger Pro now available: ------------------------- All the features of Ponger PLUS... It can restart your system or run another program on a winsock error and it publishes the local IP address to a file for use in linking your PC to a web page, or for access by others over the Internet.. Runs from the task-bar tray in win95 ( PongerPro 32 only ) Registration: ------------- Ponger is $14.95 USD in the form of a check on a US bank, US cash, or an international money order; credit card orders can be accepted at our web site (www.savant-software.com). Upgrades are free to registered users PongerPro is $24.95 USD in the same forms of payment. The upgrade fee for registered users of Ponger is $10.00 USD. To install: ----------- 1) Run the setup utility. Select the dir and group you would like ponger installed in. ( NOTE: long file names not supported yet. ) You should see the files get copied, the group built and the icon placed in the group. 2) Double click the ponger icon. 3) Set the host name to that of your ISP. Select the service you want. Click Autostart if you want ponger to hit the go button for you in the future, and Hit the GO button... TO THOSE EXPERIENCING TROUBLE: ------------------------------- First try ponger by itself (ie. no other applications running ). Then try one application at a time to determine if one or more apps are conflicting with ponger. If a conflicting app is found check to see if it uses BWCC.DLL or BWCC32.DLL. If this is the case copy the version of BWCC from the Ponger disk over the offending older version. Then try the test again. Please submit any bug reports, requests for help, general correspondence to.. savant@foothill.net check our web page at www.savant-software.com on the questions / bug reports page Please do not send snailmail !!!!! ================================== If you find GPF's please Email me and I will probably send tools to help locate the problem. Thanks in advance to those willing to help.... Thanks for trying and registering Ponger.