HotFax Message Center 3.01 0000:2DC0 8D 85 70 FF FF FF 50 E8-87 02 00 00 59 85 C0 59 0000:2DD0 75 05 6A 01 58 C9 C3 66-83 7D 96 00 74 07 E8 BD ^ 0000:2DC0 8D 85 70 FF FF FF 50 E8-87 02 00 00 59 85 C0 59 0000:2DD0 75 05 6A 01 58 C9 C3 66-83 7D 96 00 EB 07 E8 BD ^ Took a different approach this time, and patched the actual timebomb function instead of the calling program. This is because I think some of the other little programs in this version may be date checking too (and calling this). smcmmn32.dll 10/14/97 Saltine [PC]