newtitle.reg for Win95 by Manuel Otto - March 19th, 1998 Copyright © 1998 by Manuel Otto. All rights reserved. This software is freeware, and can be distributed freely only together with the other files, it`s not allowed to distribute newtitle.reg and/or ReadMe.txt and/or Uninst.inf seperatly. WHAT IT DOES. It lets you edit the the part of the MS Internet Explorer title bar where it says "Microsoft Internet Explorer" All you need to do to install it is: 1/ Extract newtitle.reg to a folder (any folder will do, your desktop too) 2/ Rightclick newtitle.reg, and choose "Edit" 3/ Replace the text: REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH YOUR TEXT with whatever text you like 4/ Save the file (Not "Save as...", just "Save") 5/ Close the file 6/ Double-click on it 7/ That`s all, now start MS Internet Explorer, look at the title bar and enjoy your creation. You don`t need to restart your computer or Windows. TO UNINSTALL Just double-click the file uninst.reg It`s not neccesary to restart your computer or Windows. Go to homepage for latest version: Lots of Hack, Crack, Serial Numbers, Warez, Tips, Tricks, Secrets, Freeware & Links for win 95/NT/DOS. And the best thing is : It is 100% free. DISCLAIMER Use of this software is at your own risk, I`m not responsable. I believe however that this software is absolutely safe to use. In the very unlikely case that you do encounter any problem(s), or, if you have any suggestions for improvements, please email to: