You may continue the HackStop Remover, if you want... I will not continue to write unpackers for this piece of shit... You can use my first pass routine to determine, the exitpoint of the HS-loader... Then you can add *ONE* hardware breakpoint to remove all version of this little !!!LAME!!! protector 4eva (if you should face the 386 version just get one of the DRx protector from the iNET or write it on your own) To the hero, the author of that damn fucking HackStop... Ralph! Of course you are the elitest guy on earth, I wish I could be such a little fuckhole like you and work at HP... Maybe you are older than me, already in business and have more money, but your little fucking HS was always shit... And of course you are elite... You!! The man that claims to have written a prototype of a PE crypter... Boy! You are claiming this about a year now... You have written nothing... Ohhhh, you need 5 bytes to reboot your PC, I only have to press Reset :) BTW: You attacked me first... This is only the revenge... And to all those elite guys out there, I do not care if anyone of you will be sick of this document, because this is something between Ralph and me...