FTP Voyager http://www.ftpvoyager.com/ ftp://ftp.parked.com/pub/ftpvoyager/ftpv5051.exe http://tucows.softimport.com/files/ftpv5051.exe http://tucows.mcp.com/files/ftpv5051.exe ***************************************************************************** FTP Voyager is an FTP Client program for Windows 95/NT which allows you to perform FTP operations in the same way you normally perform file operations. FTP Voyager can connect to nearly any FTP Site, whether it's a UNIX, VMS, or a Windows NT site. FTP Voyager looks and feels like the Windows Explorer - in fact, you can even drag and drop files between them. FTP Voyager is available for evaluation as shareware and can be downloaded for free. ****************************************************************************** here it is* have fun...k* and techno* 404*