CGIMailer for Windows 95/NT4.0 May 1998 version 1.11 Author: Goran Boban DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE AND ALL THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY AS A RESULT OF USING SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 1. Description -------------- CGIMailer is an CGI (Common Gateway Interface) program wich will recive input from web form and send mail. CGIMailer supports: - Required variables - Template based e-mail messages - Template based response pages - Customisable error reports NOTE: There must be an SMTP server accessable from your server. 2. Installation --------------- To install CGIMailer just copy CGIMail.exe to cgi-bin directory of your web server or any other directory in wich your server will allow execute access. Please see your servers documentation for more information. 3. Using CGIMailer ------------------ Please see history.txt for list of changes since version 1.00. CGIMailer is controlled with configuration files (Every form that uses CGIMailer can have its own configuration file). You can setup following variables in configuration file: TEMPLATE REQUIRED is relative path (from CGIMail.exe) to template file used to create response page if operation succeeds. If this variable is not set CGIMailer will generate an error. ERRTEMPLATE relative path to template file if an error ocures. If this variable is not set CGIMailer will display an built-in error message. MSGTEMPLATE template for creating mail message. If this variable is not set CGIMailer will create message of following form: VARIABLE1=VALUE1 VARIABLE2=VALUE2 ... Where VARIABLE1, VARIABLE2 etc. are names of input fields in your web form. DEBUG If this variable is set to YES (DEBUG=YES) CGIMailer will send an text response with transcription of comunication with SMTP server. Othervise it will create response page based on file pointed in TEMPLATE variable. GATEWAY Name of smtp server ( for example) to use for sending mail. If this variable is not set CGIMailer will assume localhost. PORT Port number of SMTP service on SMTP server. By default it is 25. FROM E-mail address of sender. If this variable is not set CGIMailer will assume an addres of form CURRENT_USER@NAME_OF_LOCAL_MACHINE. You should set this variable in most cases. TO REQUIRED E-mail addres (or list of addresses) of recipient(s). If this variable is not set CGIMailer will generate an error. E-mails have to be separated with space (" "). CC List of addresses to send carbon copy of message (displayed in Cc: field of message). BCC List of addresses to send blind carbon copy of message. Addresses listed in this line will not be listed in header of message. SUBJECT Subject of message. TIMEOUT Timeout (in seconds) for socket operations. Default is 300. Name of configuration file can be passed to CGIMailer in two ways: - By setting SYS.CONFIGFILE on Your form. Your caling HTML code should look as follows:
. . .
- Or by passing name of configuration file as command-line parameter:
. . .
NOTE: path to configuration file must be relative to directory where cgimail.exe is placed, or absolute path (with drive letter). Also use SYS.CONFIGFILE variable when using GET method. You can also call CGIMailer from tag with or or 4. Variables ------------ CGIMailer will proccess configuration file, response template file and message template file (if any) to check for variables to be replaced. Variables should appear in following format: <%VARIABLE_NAME%> CGIMailer recognises four types of variables: - Required variables Required variable names must start with "REQ." ( for example). When CGIMailer finds required variable in any of following files: configuration file, response template file or message template file, it will check if variable is passed from form and if it contains any characters other than spaces. If not so CGIMailer will generate an error. CGIMailer will also check input from form for required variables. - System variables System variable names begin with "SYS." prefix. Folowing system variables are present in CGIMailer: SYS.YEAR - current year. SYS.MONTH - current month. SYS.DAY - day. SYS.HOURES - hour when CGIMailer is started. SYS.MINUTES - minit when CGIMailer is started. SYS.SECONDS - second when CGIMailer is started. SYS.TEMPLATE - name of response template file. SYS.ERRTEMPLATE - name of error template file. SYS.MSGTEMPLATE - name of message template. SYS.MAILER - name of mailer (defaults to: CGIMailer version 1.00) SYS.INPUT - preproccesed message wich is sent. SYS.GATEWAY - name of SMTP server. SYS.HOST - name of local host (where CGIMailer is executed). SYS.PORT - port number used to connect to SMTP service. SYS.FROM - E-mail addres of sender. SYS.TO - E-mail(s) of recipient(s). SYS.CC - Addresses listed in Cc: field. SYS.BCC - Bcc list of addresses. SYS.SUBJECT - Subject of message. SYS.TIMEOUT - Timeout for socket operations in seconds. - Environment variables Environment variable names begin with "ENV." prefix. CGIMailer will replace every occurance of variable beginning with "ENV." prefix with coresponding environment variable. For example occurance of ENV.TEMP variable will be replaced with environment variable TEMP passed by OS (contains name of default temporary directory on your system). - Occurance of any other variable (not beginning with REQ., SYS. or ENV. prefix), will be simply replaced with its value. 5. Error template ----------------- When an error occures (and if ERRTEMPLATE variable is set in configuration file) CGIMailer will use error template file to create an response to user. Error template file is an HTML document with directives of following form: <%SYS.errorNN%> where NN is error code of error wich occures or one of keywords "default" or "end" For list of error codes generated by CGIMailer see errcodes.txt. When proccesing error template CGIMailer will create an HTML document from following parts of error template file: - beginning of document untill first <%SYS.errorNN%>, <%SYS.errordefault%> <%SYS.errorend%> directive, or end of file if there is no any error directive. - section wich begins with <%SYS.errorNN%> directive (where NN is error code of error generated by CGIMailer if such directive) or <%SYS.errordefault%> directive if there is no an appropriate <%SYS.errorNN%> directive, and ends with any other error directive or end of file if no error directives are listed after this one. - section wich begins with <%SYS.errorend%> directive and ends with end of file. For the complete listing of error codes see errcodes.txt 6. Registration --------------- You have permission to use an unregistered copy of CGIMailer for period of 30 days for evaluation purposes only. If You continue to use CGIMailer after period of 30 days You have to register it. Also You have permission to distribute CGIMailer package under following conditions: - You have to distribute package as it is without any changes. - You take no fee other than for distribution costs. - It must be clear that CGIMailer is shareware. CURRENTLY AN UNREGISTERED COPY OF CGIMAILER WILL ATTACH SHORT MESSAGE TO ALL CREATED PAGES. To remove this messages You have to register. To register CGIMailer just follow these steps: - Obtain an registration key If You are registered user of version 1.00 (or 1.10) just use Your version 1.00 (or 1.10) registration key (Upgrade is free for You). If You are not an registered user of version 1.00 (1.10) You have to pay $15 as registration fee. On-line registration is aviable via Register Now! service at: You can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover card. You can also send me money with mail to following address: Goran Boban Zeleni trg 3, 10000 Zagreb Croatia (Europe) If You decide to send money with mail please send cache only. Also please contact me via e-mail before sending money. Also be sure to send me following information - Your first and last name (or company name) - E-mail address - Name of program you want to register (CGIMailer in this case) BE SURE TO SEND AN E-MAIL ADDRESS SO I CAN SEND YOU A REGISTRATION KEY - Register Your software using register.exe Register.exe utility is distributed within this package. By using register.exe You will disable messages which unregistered version of CGIMailer attaches to responses sent to user. NOTE: For information on running register.exe see register.txt file. 7. Bugs ------- PLEASE SEND BUG REPORTS to with: CGIMail - bugs in subject. Also feel free to contact me if you have any problems running or setting-up CGIMailer or if you have any sugestions for future releases. IMPORTANT: When sending bug reports or questions please be sure to include following information: - Program name (CGIMailer) - Version (1.11) - OS (Win95/WinNT4.0) - Web server name and version. - What have You tryed to solve problem - Any other information which You find relevant.