THIS FILE CONTAINS LIST OF ERROR CODES FOR CGIMailer v1.11. 0 - Reserved 1 - CONTENT_LENGTH variable is not passed. When HTTP server executes an CGI program it is supposed to pass CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable to program. This error may occur due to server error. On this error CGIMailer always responses with internal error message. 2 - Error reading STDIN. This error is generated if CGIMailer can't read number of bytes specified in CONTENT_LENGTH variable. On this error CGIMailer always responses with internal error message. 3 - Not enough memory. This error occurs if CGIMailer fails to allocate memory required to operate properly. 4 - Name of configuration file is not passed. CGIMailer expects name of configuration file to be passed as command line parameter or in SYS.CONFIGFILE variable. If this is not case it generates error with this code. If this error occurs check calling HTML code to see if the name of configuration file is correctly passed, also be sure to use POST method for calling CGIMailer. On this error CGIMailer always responses with internal error message. 5 - Syntax error in configuration file. This error is generated when CGIMailer finds unexpected line in configuration file. Also check if all variable names in configuration file are written correctly. 6 - Reserved 7 - Error reading configuration file. 8 - Error reading response template. This error is generated when response template is successfully opened but CGIMailer can't read complete file. 9 - Error reading error template. This error is generated when error template is successfully opened but CGIMailer can't read complete file. On this error CGIMailer always responses with internal error message. 10 - Error reading message template. This error is generated when message template is successfully opened but CGIMailer can't read complete file. 11 - Internal error 12 - Error opening response template. This error is generated when CGIMailer fails to open response template. If this error occurs check if TEMPLATE variable points to an existing file, also check access permissions for that file. All variables pointing to files are expected to contain path relative to cgimail.exe or an absolute path. 13 - Error opening message template. This error is generated when CGIMailer fails to open input template. If this error occurs check if MSGTEMPLATE variable points to an existing file, also check access permissions for that file. All variables pointing to files are expected to contain path relative to cgimail.exe or an absolute path. 14 - Error opening error template. This error is generated when CGIMailer fails to open error template. If this error occurs check if ERRTEMPLATE variable points to an existing file, also check access permissions for that file. All variables pointing to files are expected to contain path relative to cgimail.exe or an absolute path. 15 - Error opening configuration file. This error is generated when CGIMailer fails to open configuration file. If this error occurs check if name of configuration file passed to CGIMaier points to an existing file. All variables pointing to files are expected to contain path relative to cgimail.exe or an absolute path. On this error CGIMailer always responses with internal error message. 16 - Reserved 17 - Reserved 18 - Reserved 19 - Failed to sent mail. This error is generated when CGIMailer can't send mail for an unknown reason. 20 - Reserved 21 - Reserved 22 - Sender not acceptable. SMTP does not accepts address stated in FROM variable as valid. 23 - Recipient not acceptable. SMTP server refuses one(or more) address(es) listed in TO, CC or BCC. 24 - Required variable is not set. This error will be generated if CGIMailer finds required variable with value which is not set. 25 - Reserved 26 - Reserved 27 - Reserved 28 - Reserved 29 - TEMPLATE variable is not set. CGIMailer generates this error when TEMPLATE variable in configuration file can not be found. 30 - Reserved 31 - TO variable is not set. CGIMailer generates tihs error when TO variable in configuration file can not be found. 32 - Reserved 33 - Reserved 34 - Reserved 35 - Reserved 36 - Connection timed out. There was no response from server whithin TIMEOUT seconds. See TIMEOUT variable in configuration file. 37 - Connection reset by SMTP server. 38 - Invalid TIMEOUT value. 39 - Failed to initialise Windows socket subsystem. 40 - Network is down. 41 - Host is unreachable. This means that CGIMailer cant't reach SMTP server specified in GATEWAY variable in configuration file. 42 - Connection is refused. SMTP server specified in GATEWAY variable in configuration file refuses conections on specified port (PORT variable). 43 - Network is unreachable. 44 - SMTP server can not be found. CGIMailer can not find SMTP server's IP address. 45 - SMTP connection failed. CGIMailer generates this error when is connected to server but SMTP conversation failes. 46 - Unknown network error. An network error occured while sending mail.