GBMailer for Windows 95/NT January 1998 version 1.01 Author: Goran Boban Freeware. Permition to freely use and distribute GBMailer version 1.01 is granted. NOTE: GBMailer is version 1.01 of my program wich I named Quick Mail not knowing that Quick Mail is a registered trademark of CE Software Inc. so I changed this name to GBMailer. Thus, I want to make an apology to: - CE Software Inc. for using their trademark for my program. - All users who downloaded version 1.00 and may be confused with this change of name. 1. Description -------------- GBMailer is command-line mailer wich will send an text file as mail. It is written to be executed from CGI-scripts, but it can be ussed for any other purpose. See history.txt for list of removed bugs in this rvision. See todo.txt for list of things I want to implement in future. USSAGE: gbmail [-v] -file [-h ] [-p ] [-from
] -to
] [-s ] [-t ] OPTIONS: -v verbose output. -file REQUIRED Name of text file to send as message body. If this option is not set GBMailer will report an error. -h Name of SMTP server to connect. If this option is not set GBMailer will assume 'localhost'. -p Port number for SMTP protocol. Port is set to 25 by default. -from An optional e-mail ddress of sender. If not set GBMailer will try to assume an e-mail address by combinating name of current user and name of local machine. You should set this option in most cases. -to REQUIRED E-mail addres (or addresses) of recipient(s). Put here all addresses which you don't want to be listed in Cc: field. At least one address must cast after -to switch. -cc E-mail addresses of recipients which will be listed in Cc: field. -s Subject of message. -t Timeout for socket operations (in seconds). Set to 300 secs by default. EXAMPLE: gbmail -file message.txt -h -from -to -s "Hello there" 2. Bugs ------- Please send bug reports and sugestions to: