Skater Presents Crack for BoxTop Photoshop Plugins ( ImageVice 1.0 and ColorSafe 1.5 ) Location: User Instructions: 1. Boxtop has a very shit instalation program : You must give manually plugins directory C:\WIN32APP\PHOTOSHOP\PLUGINS or C:\ADOBE\PHOTOSHOP\PLUGINS so Click "browse" button and select EXISTING directory after instalation check that in plugins directory are files ImageViceDemo.8bf - Image vice ColorSafe.8BF - Color Save if not repeat setup until You get plugins installed Check they are working : Color Save gives NAG screen Imagevice works only on six demo pictires 2.Copy patcher (boxtop.exe) in plugins directory And run it under DOS by double clicking on it (Please don't forget to close PhotoShop before) 3.Check that 2 new files are created ImageViceDemo.OLD - Image vice ColorSafe.OLD - Color Save 4.Run Photoshop and test plugins