WinGames Inc. Games ======================== by AIS KACANG '98 IMPORTANT!!!!! Some of the games require an alphabet before the registration number, e.g. Dominoes Deluxe. My suggestion 1. make a guess For example: D = Dominoes Deluxe if your registration number is 12345, then you should enter D12345 2. edit the registry manually (more likely to work, and save you time) Click on Start|Run ... type regedit you should now be in the registry. and see these on the left window panel : My computer +HKEY_CLASS_ROOT +HKEY_CURRENT_USER +HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE +HKEY_USERS +HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG +HKEY_DYN_DATA Double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Double click on SOFTWARE Double click on WinGames.Inc Now, click on Edit|New ... DWORD value You should see something like "New Value #1" on the right window panel Click on Edit|Rename and change it to Registration Number Now, double click on Registration Number Click on the Decimal radio button Type in the number generated by the keymaker into the Value Data box. Click on OK, exit the registry editor and restart the game. The nag screen should be gone and the game should be fully functional!