To register SpeedMail v1.02 =========================== by Ais Kacang '98 ------------------------------ ForeWord: Making a valid reg file for the stupid BrainTree Reg-O-Matic is really bloody time-consuming! ------------------------------ How to register and activate speedmail standard and pro- edition : (overwrite all existing files) Copy these files to c:\windows\system 1. xttjwxv3.vbx 2. xsxdcxef.drv Copy this file to c:\windows 1. uvjzb3.da0 Copy this files to the speedmail directory (e.g. c:\program files\speedmail) 3. smrbmt.pal Now run SpeedMail and everything is enabled! Kewl! The very first protection program that has 4 separate reg files!!! ------------------------------------------- For krakan, who pestered me to improvise -=ALI BABA=- [D4C] 's crack. and make the reg files instead of patching mpw32.dll and speedmail.exe :) -------------------------------------------