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Is Antigravity On the Way?

In preparation for a superconductivity experiment physicists at the Tampere University of Technology in Finland were spinning (5000 rpm) a toroidal (donut-shaped) disk made of multi-layered superconducting material. The spinning took place in what is called a ``Meisner field,`` created by 3 solenoids which keep the spinning disk magnetically suspended, in an enclosed environment of liquid nitrogen.

One of the Finns happened to be smoking a pipe and it was noticed that any smoke from the pipe which passed over the enclosed spinning disk would immediately rise to the ceiling. But there were no air currents emanating from the device, which is only 12 inches in diameter and completely encased in metal.

So, out of curiosity, they hung a one pound weight on a very sensitive scale and positioned the scale on a device that allowed them to move the scale back and forth over the enclosed spinning disk. Whenever the scale passed over the spinning disk, the scale registered a 2% loss in weight. They immediately assembled another disk spinner and placed it on top of the first one.

Result: A 4% loss in weight to anything above the stacked devices. They then took the scale to the floor above and positioned it at exactly the same place in the (identical) room above. Four percent loss compared to anywhere else in the room. They then went up to the fifth floor. Again, four percent.

So they wrote an article describing the experiment and submitted it to the Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics, published by Britain`s Institute of Physics. The article was accepted and was scheduled for publication.

Meanwhile the experiment was repeated by physicists at the Max Plank Institute Fur Physik in Munchen, Germany. The results of the experiment were the same. To see a sketch of the device, which could be manufactured and installed in any decently equipped high school or college physics lab, click here. A newspaper report was also published in London's Sunday Telegraph (UK), as well as the Journal of Ideas.

According to physicists at the Max Plank Institute, ``the anti-gravity phenomenon has no explanation in the standard gravity theories.`` These experiments have been going on for a few years now. Refer to the Journal of Physics D (Applied Physics), vol. 29, pp. 1 - 5, 1996 Or Physica C, v 203, p 441 - 444, 1992.

E-Mail Whitley Strieber at wstrieber@aol.com

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