Overview of Present Mission
By Jwnody - a student

(Missing image of M16, the Eagle nebula here)--Editor's note

The documents contained in our book present a running account of materials we have printed and published in relationship to our mission on this planet, spanning the past two decades.

To help you understand who we are, we have taken the liberty to express a brief synopsis in the vernacular of a popular "science fiction" entertainment series. Most readers in the late 20th Century will certainly recognize the intended parallels. It is really quite interesting to see how the context of fiction can often open the mind to advanced possibilities which are, in reality, quite close to fact.

Excerpt from Extraterrestrials Return with Final Warning
(located in Section 5):

     "An 'away  team' from an Evolutionary Level Above
     Human, an 'Admiral,' and His 'Captain' and crew, during
     the 1920's to 1950's picked and prepped the human bodies
     which they would wear for the task we are about to
     describe.  They came into those bodies in the 1970's -
     the Admiral and Captain first.  They began rounding up
     their crew in '75 and assisting them in the process of
     entering and taking charge of their own assigned human
     bodies. They called their crew together by means of a
     public statement and meetings (over about a 9-month
     period).  The media, typically hastily judging them,
     tagged them the 'UFO  Cult,' because of their
     expectation of leaving aboard a spacecraft (UFO) at the
     completion of their task.  The Two then took the ones
     who followed them into seclusion, completely separate
     from the world for almost 17 years, not only completing
     their 'awakening' or adjustment to their human bodies
     and this primitive civilization, but also took them
     through a 'metamorphic' classroom experience of
     changing over their consciousness and behavior to match
     with that of their distant culture from whence they had

Those 17 years of seclusion ended for us in 1992. From 1975/1976 until we went public again in 1992, we were very much "lifted out" of this world - literally. In 1988, however, we did write the '88 Update, including, quite appropriately, some updated thinking. We also took this opportunity to set the record straight with a written account of our history, refuting many of the false reports and outright lies widely circulated and published by the media back in 1975. We sent it out far and wide for "those who had ears to hear." But it was clearly part of the Next Level's design to keep us protected and secluded a while longer, so we remained hidden and virtually unfindable for several more years.

In the early 1990's, we began to get clear signals that our "classroom time" per se was nearly over, but that some involvement with the public was about to begin. So, we started the painful and arduous task of trying to figure out how to re-interface, communicate, with a human civilization which by this time had become quite foreign to where our thinking had evolved. Nevertheless, in early 1992, we had our "coming out." We did a series of satellite TV broadcasts, entitled Beyond Human - The Last Call, and for the first time in 17 years, we corresponded for a brief period with those who opted to write to us. And a very interesting phenomenon occurred. Although we thought we were presenting our information to the "public at large," much to our surprise, those who watched and responded were almost entirely our own "lost sheep" - that is, crew members who had previously dropped away, having been overcome in earlier years by the temptations of an increasingly decadent civilization. They now were desperately seeking a way to reconnect. And they did.

After these returnees had a period of time to readapt to the ways of the classroom/Next Level, we once again set out to offer our information to the public. Our dilemma was multifaceted: How do we present the information in a credible fashion, when to most, our Truth is definitely stranger than any fiction? How do we avoid being seen as religious, in order to not "turn off" those who rightfully despise the hypocrisy of what religions have become? At the same time, how do we acknowledge our past associations with this civilization which are primarily recorded in your Bible, so as to offer those who are waiting for prophecy to be fulfilled, enough clues to put it together? As you read our various presentations, you will see our many attempts to "speak in tongues" - to speak in several languages and to several stratas simultaneously.

A fact that we take for granted but which may take some explanation for others, is that the Next Level does not always let us in on the overview of their strategy. "Next steps," timetables, and even conceptual understandings are given to us only on a "need to know" basis. Without a doubt, the Next Level has had an extremely detailed lesson plan designed for our personal growth. In retrospect, it is quite evident how the premature introduction of more advanced concepts and understandings early on would have completely "blown" the circuitry of the comparatively primitive human computers (brains) we were using. Consequently, new steps and understandings were presented throughout our awakening in a carefully calculated sequence. By this method, the limited human mechanism could, with some effort, be reprogrammed to accept and assimilate the advanced, non-human perspectives we were receiving. As a result, you will notice that throughout our materials, our understandings are constantly being updated and refined as our circuitry adapted. One "fact" we learned early on is that what is truth for us today may be just a stepping stone to a higher understanding that may be given to us tomorrow.

Our elementary lesson plan was, of course, extremely frustrating for our Teachers - who literally were not permitted to access the mind/knowledge and even the memories that were previously their own (in the Next Level), but which were not a compatible match with their temporary human condition and current task assignment. Furthermore, conscious remembrance of too much knowledge too soon could potentially be an interference and liability to their plan - our growth pattern. The irony here is that they were likely the ones who, before coming into these bodies, designed these "limitations" into their task - so, they had only themselves to blame. This is a bit of what we would call Next Level humor.

But back to our overall chronology. On May 27, 1993, we took a much more overt step toward the conclusion of our task. We published a 1/3-page ad/statement in both the national and international editions of USA TODAY, entitled "UFO Cult" Resurfaces with Final Offer (see Section 5). And again the ball was rolling. We were definitely in the public eye. This ad/statement, with slight variations, entitled Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human (see Section 6),<>

Transfer interrupted!