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NAS: Data into Knowledge


Since 1984, the Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility has served as a supercomputing center focused on leading-edge research to ensure the U.S.'s pre-eminence in aeronautics. The NAS Facility's charter was expanded to include pathfinding problems in earth and space research to support NASA's supercomputing needs. Application areas include supercomputing systems to support integrated design systems and the development of a supercomputing power grid (metacenter). Research emphasizes breakthrough capabilities for future aerospace requirements and includes partners in government, industry, and academia. Financial support for the NAS Facility is provided through the following NASA programs: Information Technology, High Performance Computing and Communications, and the Consolidated Supercomputing Management Office.

[NAS Home] [Search NAS] Updated: May 2, 1997
WebWork: Customer Communications Group
NASA Responsible official: Lisa Reid