International Academy of Lymphology

"To Relieve Pain and Overcome Disease"

Call 1-800-975-0123 NOW!

(International - 801-226-4440)

or E-Mail us - IAL@QI3.COM

When you call this number you will learn about the medical research that was done at the Harvard Medical School by Dr. Cecil K. Drinker, the Tulane School of Medicine by Dr. H. S. Mayerson, and at the Mississippi School of Medicine by Dr. Arthur C Guyton. Because of this research, which was done between 1930 and 1963, a new Medical Society was formed called the I.S.L. (International Society of Lymphology). We are the I.A.L. (International Academy of Lymphology) and the only non-profit organization in the world with a program capable of bringing this research to you.

To summarize this research. You have blood vessels going through your body bringing oxygen to your cells. You also have a lymphatic vessel accompanying each blood vessel. The main purpose of the lymphatic vessels is to remove the excess blood protein and water from the spaces around your cells so your immune system will be able to function properly, and your body will be free of pain, loss of energy and disease.

The importance of this research. Now that we have learned how the blood proteins cause pain, loss of energy and disease, we can take steps to activate the lymphatic vessels to reverse effects of excess blood proteins and water around the cells to eliminate pain, loss of energy and disease. This research also has the ability of saving thousands of lives, but only if people are educated on how to use it.

The goal of the Academy is to get this life saving research into every home so people can know that it is possible to activate their lymphatic vessels to prevent and even heal every disease known to man. Our techniques can be implemented individually, at home, without drugs, surgery or medication of any kind. Please, Call our toll free number and listen to a special 15 minute presentation, talk to a certified lymphologist, or E-mail us NOW so we can get this information into your hands.

Once you have had the chance to learn what this research is about, you will be given an opportunity to voluntarily donate to help educate the world and save thousands of lives resulting from teaching everyone how to activate their lymphatic vessels. For your donation of any amount we will send you all or part of the "Applied Lymphology Course", as a gift.

The "Applied Lymphology Course" consists of 6-two hour video tapes, 4-audio tapes, our textbook. "The Golden Seven Plus One", a 36-page special document, and a 261 page open book exam to help you understand and implement what you have learned, and more...

Please help us spread the word to everyone we possibly can. We are a Non-Profit Organization dedicated solely to educating the public on how to eliminate pain and disease.

Dr. C. Samuel West DN, ND, PMD

Call 1-800-975-0123 NOW!

or E-Mail us - IAL@QI3.COM

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