The Institute serves as a clearing house for ideas about global change. It was founded in 1992 by Ted Daniels, Ph.D., an author and folklorist, with the purpose of collecting ephemeral literature, printed and electronic, from more than 1200 American and foreign prophetic and predictive sources.

This material is currently being archived at the University of Pennsylvania's Van Pelt Library Rare Book collection. We will provide a regularly updated catalog of the collection as the archiving process continues.

Members of the institute receive its quarterly newsletter Millennial Prophecy Report. Information and selected articles are available

Members also will shortly have unlimited access to Dr. Daniels's Bibliography of the Millenium. This is the electronic edition of his Millennialism: An International Bibliography released in 1992 by Garland Publishing. The Introduction is available now.

Daniels, the Institute's Director, is available for media and other consultations. Download a press kit and contact information.

And download a subscription form.
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