UFO News


Is she the somewhat altered reincarnation of Dame Edith Sitwell??

Or is she from the planet where guys go who have cheated on their wives?

Or is she—gulp—real?

Well, Dame Edith was certainly real, and guys who cheat on their wives must go someplace…

On the other hand, why is the bottom half of the face blurred. What's being hidden? And as for the part that's in the clear, what IS that thing?

This and all the other pictures I post are MEANT to be debunked, if you can. And hey, some of these babies are pushovers. The Abydos Temple photo, for example. Okay, its a Sikorsky in ancient Egypt. Really? Come on, just tell me how it was done!

And the infamous Roswell "Gun Camera" UFO. I cannot believe that nobody debunked this. The MUFON Journal even complained about it without bothering to offer a shred of an idea why it might be a fraud, except to say that it didn't look right!

Give you a hint: you take a glass plate, and a correctly shaped piece of sheet metal—say, the base plate from a vacuum cleaner—and you will probably be able to create something that looks an awful lot like this picture.

Pictures such as these go up on my website in total sincerity, in the hope that they are genuine and the expectation that they are not. I'd love it if some of these postings turned out to be for real. But my challenge to the community remains the same as it has always been: if you can prove it's a fake, do it! But be sure to demonstrate clearly how it was done.