NASA Speaks Out!

This is NASA's Chief Debunker - James O'Nerg. Since NASA fairly and accurately quoted me, I am giving James the same chance.

"Mr. Shramek is completely nuts! NASA along with the government has been able to answer every mystery that has ever confronted us. Whether they be isolated meteor showers near Long Island that look like missiles streaking upwards past jetliners, did Vince Foster really own a gun and would he be alive today if he did, or what mysterious forces bring down White House cargo planes with important cargo like Ron Brown and incriminating evidence? - you can bet your nearly real "Federal" Reserve notes that this government knows what's going on! We even know who's eye that is peaking out of the pyramid on the money. Did I mention that Oswald acted alone? The very idea that the U.S. Government would be involved in any kind of covert cover-up is silly and probably against some secret law to even entertain the idea. Did I mention that UFO's are swamp gas?"

And Another Thing...

NASA is very much interested in finding life in space! We were behind the S.E.T.I. project which used to stand for the "Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence" until someone thought that sounded too strange so we renamed it HARP or something. Anyway, we have tuned into over 160 separate signals that we believe may have ... excuse me. I didn't mean to say that. We haven't heard anything anomalous at all. We can explain everything. I didn't say that.

And Remember NASA Found Those Germy Things in a Mars Rock!!!

And we only withheld that information for less than a decade! No, we didn't just happen to release the information to deflate some recent bad "Whitewater" press the nice Clinton's were getting. No, we are not now just releasing the information to get the public ready for some spectacular and silly announcement like: "Government Admits Secret Treaty Made with Space Aliens in 1947." That's nearly inaccurate! Sure people have a right to wonder how we can find a Mars rock in 9 thousand cubic miles of solid ice at the South Pole and can't seem to locate a jumbo jet in 120 feet of water off Long Island in the middle of summer, but those people are just not very patriotic. And we don't even want to hear those stories about the "Face on Mars" and the strange ancient structures on the moon! NASA made a solid promise with "some people" not to talk about that stuff.