Return to Home Page  Pegasus Mail by David Harris 
Reporting Bugs  
  This section of the U.S. Web-Site for Pegasus Mail is still under development. I anticipate it's completion sometime in mid September.  

For the time being forward all bug reports via email to  
Pegasus Mail for Windows  
  • No Form Currently Exist... 
Pegasus Mail for DOS : 
  • No Form Currently Exist... 
Pegasus Mail for Macintosh : 
  • No Form Currently Exist... 
The Mercury Mail Server : 
  • No Form Currently Exist... 
Return to the Pegasus Mail Home Page...
Errors and Comments regarding this web site and ftp server should be directed to
Questions and requests for support regarding the Pegasus Mail program should be directed to 
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Content last updated 09-Apr-97 
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