How and When Farewell_Legacy_and_Departure_Announcement_of_"Ti_and_Do"_and_Their_Students/Disciples
May Be Entered

An Anthology of Our Materials

Table of Contents

NOTE: Page numbers correspond to the hard copy of our book

Copyright................................................ii Do's Intro: Our Purpose -- The Simple Bottom Line.......iii Overview of Present Mission (a student paper).............v

Section 1:
Exit Statements 1995-1996

Pertinent Background Information........................1-1

Undercover "Jesus" Surfaces Before Departure (Statement,   

    Posted on Internet/WWW) - September 25, 1995........1-2

'95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate (Statement,   

    Posted on Internet/WWW) - October 11, 1995..........1-4

Section 2:
Early Classroom Materials 1975-1988

Pertinent Background Information........................2-1

First Statement of Ti and Do (Statement) - April 1975...2-2

UFO's - Why They Are Here; Who They Have Come For          

    (Meeting Poster) 1975-1976..........................2-3

Public Meeting Locations - 1975-1976 (List).............2-4

The 17 Steps (Behavioral Guidelines) - November 1976....2-5

Major and Lesser Offenses                                  

    (Behavioral Guidelines) - Spring 1988...............2-6

Section 3:
'88 Update

Pertinent Background Information........................3-1

'88 Update - The UFO Two and Their Crew                    

    (Booklet) - October 18, 1988........................3-3

Section 4:
Beyond Human -- The Last Call 1991-1992
(Transcripts of Video Tape Series)

Pertinent Background Information........................4-1

Transcript of Tape I                                       

    Session 1 (60 min.).................................4-4

    Session 2 (60 min.)................................4-10

Transcript of Tape II                                      

    Session 3 (60 min.)................................4-16

    Session 4 (60 min.)................................4-22

Transcript of Tape III                                     

    Session 5 (60 min.)................................4-28

    Session 6 (60 min.)................................4-34

Transcript of Tape IV                                      

    Session 7 (60 min.)................................4-40

    Session 8 (60 min.)................................4-46

Transcript of Tape V                                       

    Session 9 (60 min.)................................4-52

    Session 10 (60 min.)...............................4-58

Transcript of Tape VI                                      

    Session 11 (95 min.)...............................4-65

Transcript of Tape VII                                     

    Session 12 (110 min.)..............................4-76

Section 5:
"USA TODAY" Ad/Statement
and Related Documents 1993

Pertinent Background Information........................5-1

'UFO Cult' Resurfaces with Final Offer (Ad/Statement,      

    Published in "USA TODAY") - May 27, 1993............5-2

Extraterrestrials Return with Final Warning (Statement,    

    Unpublished) - April 25, 1993.......................5-3

Publications Where '93 Statement Appeared (List)           

    Last Half of 1993...................................5-5

Total Overcomers Classroom Admission Requirements          

    (Behavioral Guidelines) - October 23, 1993..........5-6

Section 6:
Statements/Posters of Public Meetings 1994

Pertinent Background Information........................6-1

Public Meeting Dates and Locations (List) - 1994........6-2

The Only Way Out of This Corrupt World (Poster)            

    November 28, 1993...................................6-3

Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human (Statement)            

    January 16, 1994....................................6-4

Last Chance To Advance Beyond Human (Poster)               

    January 17, 1994....................................6-5

Organized Religion Has Become the Primary Pulpit           

    for Misinformation and the Great "Cover-Up"            

    (Poster) - March 10, 1994...........................6-6

"UFO Cult" Resurfaces with a Final Offer (Poster)          

    March 16, 1994......................................6-7

UFOs, Space Aliens, and Their Final Fight                  

    for Earth's Spoils (Poster) - March 21, 1994........6-8

He's Back, We're Back, Where Will You Stand? (Poster)      

    June 20, 1994.......................................6-9

Some Desire To Advance Even Beyond All Human Behavior      

    (Poster) - July 30, 1994...........................6-10

The Shedding of Our Human Bodies May Be Required           

    To Take Up New Bodies in the Next World                

    (Poster) - August 18, 1994.........................6-11

Statements by Students
Bible Quotes Substantiating Our Position

Appendix A.....Student Statements

  Pertinent Background Information....................................A-1

  Ti and Do as "Smelling Salts"...........................Jwnody......A-2

  Warning: For Those Prone to Hasty Judgments.............Glnody......A-3

  Ingredients of a Deposit -- Becoming a New Creature.....Lvvody......A-5

  The Truth Is... ........................................Nrrody......A-8

  A Matter of Life or Death? YOU Decide...................Wknody.....A-10

  T.E.L.A.H. -- The Evolutionary Level Above Human........Smmody.....A-12

  The Way Things Are......................................Yrsody.....A-13

  A Farewell Message to Those Who Remain Behind...........Drrody.....A-15

  My Ode to Ti and Do! What This Class Has Meant to Me....Qstody.....A-16

  The Hidden Facts of Ti and Do...........................Chkody.....A-17

  "Away Team" from Deep Space Surfaces Before Departure...Jwnody.....A-20

  A Testament.............................................Srrody.....A-24

  Older Member -- Younger Member -- Their Relationship....Slvody.....A-25

  Statement by a Crewmember...............................Tddody.....A-28

  Be Fruitful and Multiply................................Jmmody.....A-30

  Up the Chain............................................Brnody.....A-32

  Religions Are Humans' #1 Killers of Souls...............Jwnody.....A-35

  Evolutionary "Rights" for "Victims".....................Stmody.....A-38


  The World's Most Successful Con Game....................Lggody.....A-46

  Incarnating and Discarnating............................Jnnody.....A-48


Appendix B.....Relevant Bible Quotes

  Pertinent Background Information....................................B-1

  List of Bible Quotes Substantiating Our Position....................B-2

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ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo ufo space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien space alien Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Extraterrestrial Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Disinformation Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Second Coming Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Antichrist Key Words: (for search engines) 144,000, Abductees, Agnostic, Alien, Allah, Alternative, Angels, Antichrist, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Ascension, Atheist, Awakening, Away Team, Beyond Human, Blasphemy, Boddhisalva, Book of Revelation, Buddha, Channeling, Children of God, Christ, Christ's Teachings, Consciousness, Contactees, Corruption, Creation, Death, Discarnate, Discarnates, Disciple, Disciples, Disinformation, Dying, Ecumenical, End of the Age, End of the World, Eternal Life, Eunuch, Evolution, Evolutionary, Extraterrestrial, Freedom, Fulfilling Prophecy, Genderless, Glorified Body, God, God's Children, God's Chosen, God's Heaven, God's Laws, God's Son, Guru, Harvest Time, He's Back, Heaven, Heaven's Gate, Heavenly Kingdom, Higher Consciousness, His Church, Human Metamorphosis, Human Spirit, Implant, Incarnation, Interfaith, Jesus, Jesus' Return, Jesus' Teaching, Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven, Krishna Consciousness, Lamb of God, Last Days, Level Above Human, Life After Death, Luciferian, Luciferians, Meditation, Members of the Next Level, Messiah, Metamorphosis, Metaphysical, Misinformation, Mothership, Mystic, Next Level, Non Perishable, Non Temporal, Older Member, Our Lords Return, Out of Body Experience, Overcomers, Overcoming, Past Lives, Prophecy, Prophecy Fulfillment, Rapture, Recycling the Planet, Reincarnation, Religion, Resurrection, Revelations, Saved, Second Coming, Soul, Space Alien, Spacecraft, Spirit, Spirit Filled, Spirit Guide, Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Star People, Super Natural, Telepathy, The Remnant, The Two, Theosophy, Ti and Do, Truth, Two Witnesses, UFO, Virginity, Walk-ins, Yahweh, Yeshua, Yoda, Yoga,