TIMBER! The Journal of Prophecies of Native Peoples Worldwide and Mother Earth's Coming Changes

+ Over 1776 Links to Native/Aboriginal & Prophecy/Spiritual Websites

Laying the Axe to the Root of the Tree of the Enemy:

Greed, Jealousy, Hate, Fear and  LIES!  Last Updated 4/15/97

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According to LinkExchange statistics, approximately 20,000 people have viewed the prophecies since Fall Equinox of the 504th year since we discovered them!

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And discover the harmonious relationships between:

The Hopi Prophecy

Iroquois Prophecies

Lakota Prophecies

Atakapan/Wichita (Texas) Indian Prophecies

Cherokee Prophecies

Mayan Prophecies

Incan Prophecies

Hawaiian Prophecies

Moslem Prophecies

Judean Prophecies

Tibetan Buddhist Prophecies

Bahai Prophecies

Mormon Prophecies

Contemporary Earth Change Prophecies of:


Wallace Black Elk

Gordon-Michael Scallion

Linda Adele Toye

No-Eyes of the Anishinabe/Ojibwa Nation

Contemporary Worldwide Famine Prophecies of:

Standing Elk of the Lakota Nation

Rod Shenandoah of the Blackfoot Nation

Pathfinder of the Cherokee Nation

and many others!

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