TOP SECRET - MAJIC SUBJECT: MAJI PROJECT: GRUDGE/AQUARIUS: (TS/MAJIC) Document Control: ECN Classified By: MJ1/MAJI Declassified on: Exempt PROJECT AQUARIUS (TS/ORCOM), (Proword): Grudge contains sixteen (16) volumnes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States Investigation on Unidentified Flying Objects, (UFOs) and Identified Alien Crafts, (IACs). The project was originally established in 1953 by order of President Eisenhower, under control of the CIA and MAJI. In 1960 the project's name was changed from project SIGN to project AQUARIUS. The project was funded by CIA funds (non-appropriated). The project assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence of UFOs and/or IACs, after December 1969 when Project Grudge and Blue Book were closed. The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO and IAC sightings and contacts with Alien Life Forms. These orderly files of collected information have been used to advance the United States Air Force Space Program (Not NASA). Aquarius is a project which compiled the history of Alien presence and their interaction with HOMO SAPIENS upon this planet for the last 25,000 years and culminating with the BASQUE PEOPLE (PAIS BASCO) who live in the mountainous country on the border of France and Spain and the Assyrians (or Syrians, originally from the Syrius Star). (TS/ORCOM) The preceding briefing is a historical account of the United States Government's investigation of Aerial Phenomena, recovered Alien Craft, and contacts with extra-terrestrial life forms. THE PROJECTS UNDER "PROJECT AQUARIUS" 1. (TS/ORCOM) PROJECT PLATO: (Proword: Aquarius) Originally established as part of Project SIGN in 1954. It's mission was to establish Diplomatic Relations with Aliens. This project was successful when mutually acceptable terms were agreed upon. These terms involved the exchange of technology for secrecy of Alien presence and non interference in Alien affairs. Aliens agreed to supply MAJI with a list of names on a periodic basis. This project is continuing at a site in New Mexico. 2. (TS/ORCOM) PROJECT SIGMA: (Proword: Aquarius) Originally established as part of Project SIGN in 1954. Became a seperate project in 1976. Its mission was to establish communication with the Aliens. This project met with positive success (SIC). In 1959, the United States established primitive communications with Aliens. On April 25, 1964 a USAF Intelligence Officer met with Aliens at Mollomar Air Force Base, New Mexico. The contact lasted for approximately three hours, after several attempted methods of communications the Intelligence Officer managed to exchange basic information with the Aliens. This project is continuing at a site in New Mexico. 3. (TS/ORCOM) PROJECT REDLIGHT (Proword: Grudge) Originally established in 1954. Its mission was to test and fly a recovered Alien Aircraft. First attempts resulted in the destruction of the craft and the death of the pilot. This project was resumed in 1972. The project is continuing in Nevada. 4. (TS/ORCOM) PROJECT SNOWBIRD (Proword: Redlight) Originally established in 1954. Its mission was to develop, using conventional technology and fly a "Flying Saucer" type craft for the public. This project was successful when a craft was built and flown in front of the PRESS. This project was used to explain UFO sightings and to divert the publics attention from Project Redlight. END