ALIEN CRAFT ENGINES THE IMPULSE PROPULSION ENGINE We didn't have much data available, (during April, 1990) about the "Warp Drive Operation" of the basic Rigelian Starships but The Air Force knows they work on the principle of PLASMA-ENERGIZED CONTAINED ANTIMATTER. We get the secondary impulse engine system which serves for use at sublight speeds. This fusion reaction is located aft of the main saucer command section and can propel the craft at speeds up to that of 75% of the speed of light. The impulse drive system works by channeling hot plasma energy exhaust away from the vessel. This plasma exhaust is not the by-product of simple plasma matter generated in a laboratory invironment, but high-energy plasma produced in a fusion-reactor containment system. Huge amounts of the plasma are first accelerated to high velocities along a ring of magnetic coils, and then injected into the space-time driver coils, the central component of the impulse engine system. These coils produce a limited distortion of the local space-time continuum, (not unlike that of a local stasis field) and further accelerate the energy and speed of the impulse engine plasmes to near relativistic speeds of their escape. THE SPEED GEAR DRIVE PROPULSION ENGINE The main propulsion system of the most common "Mother Ships" is the FIF-2M, Multi-Field Speed Gear Drive. Under Normal operation, the FIF-2M Speed Gear Drive System can propel the cruiser at a speed of eight (8) Speed Gear, that is 8 X 8 X 8 X 8 X 8 X the Earthian Speed of Light, with emegency speeds of Speed Gear nine (9) and beyond. At the heart of this massive drive system is the MAGNIUM Crystal assembly, which controls the matter/antimatter colisions. They call "MAGNIUM"........MMGNIUM....or... Magnium is the only material yet discovered that can withstand exposure to antimatter particles for limited periods of time. Because of its unique crystaline structure, Magnium can hold antimatter suspended in the empty spaces between its atoms with only negligible annihilation of either Magnium or antimatter atoms. If a crystal is defective, its structure will permit too many antimatter atoms to touch the normal atoms, thus degrading the structure of the crystal itself at a measurable rate. This is known as Magnium decrystalization. The Magnium crystal is housed in an armored cradle of MEGAPLASTIUM, (or, in alien language, MMGPLTUM" or , the hardest substance known to the civilized races. During normal operations, matter and antimatter are introduced into the Speed Gear engine core through separate plasma injectors. The Magnium crystal assembly is placed directly in the path of the two matter streams, which would otherwise collide with an explosive release of energy. Instead, particles of antimatter slip through the face of the Magnium crystal housed in the assembly block, the antimatter atoms splitting apart in reaction to the Magnium atoms, then recombining in a high-energy combination. These newly combined atoms receive additional energy charges as they pass from one crystal to the next in the assembly. Naturally, a few atoms of Magnium and antimatter will collide on the crystal's surface, but a surrounding magnetic coil contains the energy and radiation from these collisions. The streams of Magnium, energized antimatter coming from the Magnium crystal assembly, now split into separate plasma streams that are magnetically channeled along power transfer nacelles, the modified antimatter streams, which results in mutual annihilation and the release of enormous energy. A by-product of the destruction of Magnium, energized atoms of antimatter is the release of unique electromagnetic properties that produce the Speed Gear Field surrounding the Mother Ship. All Speed Gear Drives Fall Into Three Types: 1. Standard Speed Gear Drive units create a single Speed Gear Field that surrounds the ship as it moves through space, allowing it to move at speeds in excess of the Earthian Speed of Light. 2. Trans-Speed Gear Drive systems create a similar field, but improve on the original design by projecting portions of the Speed Gear field ahead of the ship. This creates a natural multiplier phenomenon, increasing speeds with only minimal increases on energy costs. 3. Multi-Speed Gear Drive system. The so-called Mother Ships combines both the above systems to create a Multi-Speed Gear Field engine design. Though the Mother Ship is not a true Trans-Gear Drive vessel because of its size, its Speed Gear system does have advantages over alternate Speed Gear Drives. The Mother Ship Speed Gear Drive functions through a pair of separate Speed Gear Drive units along each outboard engine housing. Each of these four (4) units projects its own Speed Gear Field ahead of the vessel as it moves through space. These fields overlap, which results in high Speed Gear speeds for a vessel the size of the Mother Ship, as well as, for most instantaneous shifts from sublight speeds to Speed Gear speed. It also makes possible near-instantaneous jumps to higher Speed Gear levels without the need for magnetic containment build-up time. In older generation Speed Gear Systems, the matter-antimatter intermix temperatures within the Speed Gear Engine units had to be carefully recalibrated to accept higher pressures before the vessel could move from one Speed Gear level to the next. The time needed to increase the strength of the surrounding magnetic containment fields could require, from several earth seconds, up to several earth minutes. END