This Addon his a part of -= FiX =- Coming soon! If you want someone to be In your Auto-Op/Voice list just for one Channel (like #mircscripts) and don't want to op him in another one this addon is for you :) ;=============PopUps|NickName============== -= Voice List =- .Voice (This Chan):/set %chanv $chan | /set %addressv $address($$1,3) | /guser 50 $$1 3 | /mode # +v $$1 | /notice $$1 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Voice-List of # | /writeini voice.ini %chanv $address($1,3) voice .Voice (All Chans):/guser 51 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Voice-List (All Chans) .- .Remove (This Chan):/ruser 50 $$1 3 | /mode # -v $$1 | /remini $mircdir $+ voice.ini # $address($$1,3) .Remove (All Chans):/ruser 51 $$1 3 -= Op List =- .Op (This Chan):/set %chanv $chan | /set %addressv $address($$1,3) | /guser 50 $$1 3 | /mode # +o $$1 | /notice $$1 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Op-List of # | /writeini voice.ini %chanv $address($1,3) op .Op (All Chans):/guser 52 $$1 3 | /notice $$1 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Op-List (All Chans) .- .Remove (This Chan):/ruser 50 $$1 3 | mode # -o $$1 | /remini $mircdir $+ voice.ini # $address($$1,3) .Remove (All Chans):/ruser 52 $$1 3 ;=============Remote|Events================ +50:ON JOIN:#:{ if ($me isop $chan) { if ($readini voice.ini $chan $address($nick,3) == voice) { /notice $nick 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Voice List 3/12 $chan | mode $chan +v $nick } if ($readini voice.ini $chan $address($nick,3) == op) { /notice $nick 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Op List 3/12 $chan | mode $chan +o $nick } else { halt } } } +51:ON JOIN:# { if ($me isop $chan) { notice 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Voice List 3/12 All Chans mode $chan +v $nick } else { halt } } +52:ON JOIN:# { if ($me isop $chan) { notice 2-= 4FiX 2=- 12 Op List 3/12 All Chans mode $chan +o $nick } else { halt } } If you want this addon to work (sure you want ;)) just creat a file called voice.ini in the directory of you mIRC. That's all :) If you want me to help you with your script just ask me in #mircscripts on Undernet!!(My nickname is JAP) Enjoy! JAP