Type of Add-OnFiles
Statistics & Detectors38
Color & Text Extra's26
Channel, Away, & Music Add-Ons47

War - This section contains scripts to help you takeover channels, and flood people on IRC.

Protection - This section contains scripts to help you stay on IRC when you are getting flooded. It also have scripts that take                    care of channel protection, and scripts like idle-kickers, etc..

Entertainment - Section includes games for IRC Entertainment. Also included are partylines, Bar scripts, and etc...

Statistics & Detectors - Contains Channel Stats scripts, clone detectors, IRCop detectors, split detectors, and many more.

Color & Text Extra's - This section has things that will change the look of your text. (Change it's characters, add colors,                                       etc..)

Channel, Away, & Music Add-ons - This section contains things for the channel (ie: Bans, Swear Kicks, Op Lists, etc..). It                                                             also contains away scripts, and music addons. (ie: Jukeboxes, etc..)

Others - Well, of course there is this section. These are scripts that do not fall in any of the above sections. Some scripts that               are included, are mass commands (invites, kicks, msgs, etc..), counters, voting scripts, and much more.

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