Script Name: Strange Days Hex
Version Number: 5.0 ßeta1
Rating: 2.5 out of 15
Date & Time Added: 04/13/97 22:38:47 EDT


When I saw the size of this script, I almost passed out. Over five megabytes in condensed form. This file is bulked up thanks to install shield, a hexed mIRC executable, almost a meg of windows help files, 1.04 mb of wavs, external war programs, and other misc things. Here's some stats:

Main file (sd3250b1.exe)5.08 MB
Files extracted1.78 MB
Actual Scripting (ini files)0.28 MB

When you look at this table you can see that install shield took up about 5 times as much space as the rest of the script.

Now on to the rest of the script. There was no use of the $mircdir identifier. I wish I had a buck for every script I've seen that doesn't. Alot of people don't want to install to the default directory, and alot of people don't store scripts on their c: drive. The $mircdir identifier is here, let's take advantage of it. All server notices were echoed to the status and active windows. This can get very annoying at times. One major flaw I found was that dcc sends are automatically accepted and minimized. This presents a very serious security risk. The popups were long and could have been organised better. I also noticed that in the remote, there were a few incorrect uses of $1 $2 etc. This produced a few undesirable results. Every minute or so, the script auto pings you to check lag. This isn't a bad idea, but it happens to often and is annoying at times. The script does have alot of features in it, though. IRCop popups, DALnet/Undernet service bot interface, very good protection, and auto away to name a few. There was also a feature for viewing www sites but it didn't work. There seemed to be a few things here and there that were copied from 7th Sphere, but credit was given in the help file. Alot of things seemed to be personalised for the author and would serve no use to the common user. I saw no reason why the mIRC executable was hexed. It added nothing to the script and nothing was changed other than a few icons. This is a good script with many features, but I'm disapointed that the author took so little care in organisation and keeping the size reasonable.

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