Script Name: =SaGa '97=
Version Number: 2.0 Pro
Rating: 5 out of 15
Date & Time Added: 04/05/97 12:21:32 EST
For a script that takes up half of a megabyte in space zipped, I would have expected more out of it. It comes with
an unnecesary install program that is very bulky and excessive. Winzip works fine guys, people don't download
mIRC scripts so they can use 'pretty' install programs. After using the script for a while, I got bored very fast.
There aren't any special features in this script and the popups were small and disorganised. However, it does have
good DALnet and IRCop popup menus (although the IRCop popup menu appears to be copied from [ßras§]). The
flood protection was mediocre, but working. I found some bugs in the few features that were included. I don't think
the authors took enough time to put features in and organise what they did have or even test it to make sure it
works. This script did not impress me at all. With the added factor of the bulky size, I wouldn't waste my
time/bandwidth/drive space if I was you.
Click Here to Download it!