Script Name: Avalanche
Version Number: 5.0
Rating: 3 out of 15
Date & Time Added: 04/05/97 13:22:41 EST


I was very disapointed by this script. After spending alot of time downloading this massive 1.28 MB file, I think that it should at least be worth it. The help file tells nothing about the script, how to use it, and what its features do (as if it had any real features). Many things don't work because the author failed to use the $mircdir identifier, and assumes that you are running it from c:\avalanch (he doesn't even tell anywhere that you must be in this directory). The popups were of the most poorly organised I've ever seen - the author used a horizontal divider between every popup item! Things are put in different places for no apparent reason making it very difficult to navigate through. I didn't like that the mirc32.exe and mirc.hlp files were included. Everyone has these, and including them just wastes space and takes longer to download. The 932 KB of midis was very annoying as well. The author submitted this as a war script, but the only war was an ICMP ping flooder, which isn't IRC related in the first place. If this script was smaller, maybe it would be worth downloading - so you can see how NOT to write popup menus. But other than that, this script has no practical use.

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