7th Sphere (Logo)


All of these script are considered to be rip offs but if you disagree then come speak to me. I use the nick EEEEEEEEE on Undernet.

Name: �L��� ver1.3
Author: alien9
For: mIRC 4.7
Another total rip. All of the good options are taken straight out of 7th Sphere and the options he addded himself are buggy and badly done. No creidt given to 7th Sphere and the cheeky little fucker claims if you are using it without registering you can get fined $1000 ;) He claims you have to give him $5 but 7th Sphere is free and if you wanna make it to a decent script like 7th Sphere.

Name: ��t�� �����t v1.555�
Author: Jester
For: mIRC 4.7
The layout of this script will be familiar to those used to 7th Sphere because this script is a rip off. Numerous examples are obvious of his ripping, like this :- You Have Just Witnessed the totaly leet 7tH �p|-|�� Takeover etc.. You get the idea..crap.

Name: Master IRC
Author: PageMastr
For: mIRC 4.7
A total rip. He gives no credit to 7th Sphere and its creators. What is worse is he is continually ripping the new versions of 7th Sphere and releasing them as his own work.

Name: [MagicWar] 2000
Author: BlackKing
For: mIRC 4.7
A total rip of 7th SPhere. No credit given to 7th Sphere but anyone can see that this is just a total copy.

Name: �������t���g� D奧������ v4.0 �eta2
Author: �v�r�D�
For: mIRC 4.72
Some of the scripting for this is straight from 7th Sphere Beta 3 and also from several other scripts including Hawkee Pro v2.0. The creator does admit it but he should have asked for permission..

Name: K�BoOm� version 7.888 V|P Edition
Author: yO-
For: mIRC 4.72
The scripter admits to having ripped some of this script from other scripts though he did not say which ones. Some of it is obviously ripped from 7th Sphere including many of the addon programs (Nstat is just one)and a lot of the scripting. Most of this script is taken from 7th Sphere infact.

Name: ���ʮ���K 3.0
Author: KeeF
For: mIRC 4.72
Ok this script is just a rip of 7th Sphere and is missing many of the add-on programs that make 7th Sphere so powerful. He did not even bother to hide the fact he ripped it, there are loads of references to 7th Sphere all through the script. Total crap but unfortunately I do not have his e-mail so cannot tell him how unhappy I am.

Name: ArEa66 Ki||az 6.0 Pro
Author: n/a
For: mIRC 4.72
This was was a total rip of 7th Sphere, the creator had only added some swear words. Anyway Precursor sent him a nasty e-mail and the guy immediately removed his script from all servers and appologised. If you do find this script on the internet e-mail me or precursor.

Name: FiSTS OF FiRE V1.00
Author: NoT
For: mIRC 4.72
This script is based heavily on 7th Sphere. The creator admits this but then anyone who has ever used 7th Sphere would notice it, the creator does however believe 95% of the scripting is his own :-\ The help files, takeover options, channel options are from the 7th Sphere beta 3. A pretty large rip and it is fine to stick a little comment in the readme saying you stole from a script. Better to ask the authors permission though.

Name: Powercat
Author: ���ߣ@�
For: mIRC 4.72
A total rip of the old 7th Sphere that has been converted to some foreign language (I think it is Spanish).