7th Sphere Logo

Last Updated on: 04.16.97
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IRC Cobra Network

Cobra IRC Network: Where the netsplits are seldom, lag is unheard of and the IRCops are friendly. Hard to believe? give us a try at irc.cobra.net ports 6667/7000. All Channels (Except for kiddie porn) are Welcomed! For more information please visit our award winning website at http://www.cobra.net

7th Sphere News!


  • Updated the Downloads Page. I added 3 Eggdrop TCL Scripts written by DrPhuck. They kick ass. I also redid the look of the downloads page.

  • We are continuing on with 7th Sphere 3.0, it will be due in a few weeks untill a month. Although it may only be in beta testing by that time. Looks for more file serving features, improved protection for channels, and advanced war programs. It will be for mIRC 5.0. Its taking a while to do because managing the domain is a lot of work and because we want 3.0 to be the biggest version ever.


  • Added a lamers page dedicated to all the motherfuckers who ripped 7th Sphere. Thanks to EEEEEEEE for finding all the rips and making the page.


  • Welp, mIRC 5.0 has been released. And I know your all wondering when the hell a new version will be out. 7th Sphere 3.0 has been started and is almost converted to 5.0 format. As of now we are not sure when it will be available. We have a lot of work to do with the domain and the script. The script will be a large scale project because we are no longer limited to 30k. It will also be more advanced. It will include new versions of all of Rhad's tools. It will also have a lot more fun stuff. Untill it is available, you can either use 4.72 with 7th Sphere or use some piece of shit with 5.0. The only major improvements for normal users are that it handles colors better (WOW!! HOW COOL!). The major improvements are in the scripting. Your choice, don't fucking bug us asking how to convert it.

  • Updated the bugs page, it is still not yet complete but it explains a few of the more common problems.

  • Updated the Floodnet page.

  • Updated the navagation frame, thanks to magus for that. Also updated some small stuff on most of the pages.


  • Welcome to 7thSphere.com, this site is run entirly of your support. Its hopefully much faster than the old site. Thank you to all the people who supported us along the way. I will be posting and redoing parts of this site over the next few days. I also hope to have the entire buglist posted.

  • Features

    Protection Features

    War Control

    File Serving and Control

    This blue ribbon is in support of the Coalition to Stop Net Censorship. On February 8th, 1996, President Clinton signed legislation that includes a provision which limits freedom of expression on the Internet. With this act, the very same materials which are legally available today in book stores and libraries could be illegal if posted on World Wide Web sites or Usenet newsgroups. The Coalition to Stop Net Censorship is asking everyone, everywhere to post this blue ribbon to show just how many people will be affected by this legislation.