If you are from Frugal Internet, YES, this is Commando. You know the one who put up the "Illegal Web Site"? Then gave legal threats to my non-technical family? The one who had the homepage about putting your SIMM chips into wool socks? I hope you remember me well, because I have only begun to mess with you. WoT, producers of the ELiTE AoL UsEr TRiBuNe are not happy.

I don't think it is fair to delete all my accounts, based on a crazy theory that my page is bad, then bitch me out the next day...

What is Wrong With Frugal Internet?

Technical Support

When calling technical support, you are answered by the rudest lady I have ever heard answer a business line. Plug your nose and talk in a sarcastic, "I don't give a shit", medium toned voice and say "Frugal Internet..". Congradulations! You can apply for a job now! When I called in having password trouble with my FTP account, she started ranting on using profanity and making fun of the last person who had trouble. "You better not be typing with your fucking capslock key. The last idiot who called wasted 2 hours of our time before we found that out. I hope you aren't just as stupid..." Perhaps that person did waste your time, but nor do I care about what happened or want to her your dirty language over my phone.

Frugal Security

.. or should it be called "Lack of"? Frugal Internet was taken over 3 times by a 13 year old gaining root access to their system. Then, in order to keep this from happening again, they hired someone to put up a UDP firewall. What did this acomplish? Simple, it made things worse off for Frugal's users. In order to get a program to work with UDP, I need to call Frugal internet and request that they open up a port. Frugal Internet also installs linux out of the box, and hires someone for $15 to run the `adduser' program. They do not shadow their passwords either, so allowing all sorts of users to crack the passwd file to their heart's content. Somehow Frugal Internet systems allowed them to break into my Alpha-numeric password and delete my public_html files every month or so. I can assume that they allowed someone to packet sniff their system ... there is no protection there with things like that. If you like a system to play around with, this is the internet provider to have. No multi-user protection! (heheheh... don't ask)

Frugal Speed

Frugal uses a T1 with over 200 modems. Lets do some simple math here. Is 28,800 * 200 greater or less then 1,500,000? You may say "28,800 * 200 is 5,760,000", but a lot of their modems fall back down to 9600 bps, so maybe that accounts for the rare times when i get 2500 cps. They also have about 20 modems in their modem pool which send nothing but gibberish. They say to this day that they can't find these modems. If that wasn't bad enough, the DNS servers go down everyday. When i finaly got the port opened for my UDP internet phone, I was often met by a rash of errors (my error light sometimes was on more then the TX and RX combined) Nice phone lines.


Frugal sometimes forgets to bill people, or lose records of a person completely. I can't name any names or say anything here..

Did you like the ELiTE AoL UsEr TRiBuNe?
Are you still reading my rant?
Are you laughing and angry because they did what they did?

Make sure you tell them the following in the email:

Casey's/Commando's ELiTE AoL UsEr TRiBuNe

You could mention the folllowing:

You liked it!
Tell them about this page! Give them the URL of this and the main ELiTE AoL UsEr TRiBuNe page..
The Frugal "admins" are idiots..
They shouldn't be allowed to run an ISP, let alone use a computer..
Ever heard of the Darwin Awards?
You now know why they call themselves The Frugal Internet ...

You could do the following on your own .... Mention the tribune in the mailbombs please.. I am not responsible (but happy) for what you do.... Also email me if you do the following..

Send 1,000,000 mail bombs to root@frugal.com
Hook Mr. Halvorsen (root@frugal.com) up with one of those EFNet #gaysex guys (He isn't gay)
Give a #gaysex guy 206-891-0232 and tell him to ask for Halvorsen at 7:00pm Pacific Time Weekdays
Send porn of fat girls or guys to root@frugal.com
Give the Frugal Internet a call at 206-891-0232 -- be creative!