To The ELITE AoL UsEr TriBune,                 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part One: What Is Credit Bureau, Incorporated?

  As many of you know, CBI is a credit reporting agency, or credit
bureau.  It keeps the credit history of millions of Americans on file.
Our friends at CBI have been kind enough to make this information available
to the public for a moderate annual fee.  If you are cheap, or if you just
want to learn how to hack CBI, "you have come to the right place."

Part Two: The CBI Account.

    A CBI account follows this general format:
         3 Numbers, 2 Letters, 2-5 Numbers, a dash{-}, followed by
         a letter and a number.

         A sample might look like this:  123ab4567-a1.
                                    or:  123ab4567-a1,bc,d.

         Either way is acceptable.  The `bc,d' is not necessary.

Part Three: Connecting To CBI.

    When calling CBI, I suggest you use at least one outdial if you know
for sure the account you have is valid.  If you are going to be hacking
accounts, use at least three outdials.  I don't suggest calling direct,
even if the dialup is local to you.  If you don't know why, you don't
deserve to be reading this text.
    CBI runs at either 300 baud, or that oh-so-technologically advanced
1200 baud.  This means you will need a 300 or 1200 baud outdial for the
NPA containing the CBI dialup.  Make sure your terminal program is set
at E-7-1.  I also find it easier to work at half-duplex, because CBI
does not echo a thing you type.  So, if you connect with full-duplex,
and don't see your account appearing on the screen, don't call your
local P/H BBS and post twenty messages saying, "N0thInG i tYpE aPPeArS
0n tHe sCrEEn aT CbI!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!" (Note:
the exorbitant amount of exlamation points is a sign of the loser's
complete and utter idiocy.)  Another thing I find useful is just to have
my capture log running as I work.  This saves you the trouble of having
to write everything down, and it also serves as a good reference.

    Currently functioning CBI dialups are:

       *[201/984-6297] Newark, New Jersey
       *[503/226-1070] Portland, Oregon
        [612/341-0023] Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
        [713/591-8100] Houston, Texas
       *[804/466-1619] Norfolk, Virginia
        [916/635-3935] Sacramento, California

    The starred numbers I have not verified.

    Keep in mind some CBI accounts are only valid on certain dialups.
They still serve any part of the country, you just can't use them on
every dialup.  I have found CBI accounts that work on more than one
dialup, so it can't hurt for you to try.  The worst thing you will get
is a message saying it's NOT VALID ON THIS PHONE NUMBER or something.
If you are hacking accounts and get this message, try the account that
yields the message on different dialups.  Maybe you'll "get lucky".

    CBI also has voice dialups.  These numbers are provided for those
"Social Engineers" out there.  I have not verified these.

        [201/842-7500] Newark, New Jersey (Equifax Credit Information Services)
        [617/932-8163] Boston, Massachusetts (CBI)

Part Four: Applied Password Use: Pulling Info.

    Use is fairly straightforward.  When you connect to CBI, hit Control-S
(^S) twice, then  () twice.  You should get a message that

    At this point you should enter the password.  Make sure when you
enter the password that you include a period at the end.  This is very
important; if you neglect to type the period, you won't get in.  Type
the password: "123ab456-a1." then hit CONTROL-S, and a .  The ^S is the CBI "wakeup" command.  CBI doesn't respond to
regular s.  If you ever think CBI should be doing something, and it has
just frozen, hit ^S.  Chances are this will solve the problem.  Anyway,
you will then get a message telling you to

        WC5E - PROCEED

    This is when the fun begins.  You decide you want to know your next
door neighbor's credit history.  Here is what you do:

        ID-SSS-012-34-5678. ^S 

    This is, of course, based on the assumption that your subject's name
is "Alan S. Smith" and that he lives at 157 Maple Street in
Yutzville, New York, 10011, and that his Social Security Number is
012-34-5678.  Keep in mind, the ID-SSS line is not necessary, but it
is necessary if you are to distinguish between Alan S. Smith, Jr.
and Alan S. Smith, Sr.  Wait a moment.  The report will pop up.
    You may want to hunt someone down from a Post Office Box.  If this
is the case, replace the above CA- line with this:


    If you only have the subject's Social Security Number, type

        DTEC-012-34-5678. ^S 

    This will give you a name and address to enter in the above format.

Part Five: A Sample CBI Report.

                    S A M P L E    C B I    R E P O R T
  Note: All information in this report is fictional, including the ACCOUNT
                         NOs and the BUS/ID CODEs.

*SMITH,ALAN,S   SINCE 04/00/75  FAD 10/21/89           FN-700
 SEX-M,MAR-M,DEPS- 2,AGE-38,SSS-012-34-5678

*SUM-01/85-01/91,PR/OI-NO,FB-NO, ACCTS:11,HC$6-1600, 3-ONES.

*INQS-450DC81 02/24/89,178BB20089 02/06/89.

03 S*178BB34860 11/90 05/85  500 171   521  139 R5 01 01 01 66 1234567890123456
           PREV HI RATES:  R4 10/90, R3 09/90, R2 08/90
04 I*178CD8712  10/90 03/89  123 123   123      O1            003/88  048286423
05 I*342IH34    10/90 12/85 1600       500 1600 R9 00 00 03           462642892
           PREV HI RATES:  R5 11/88, R5 10/88, R5 09/88
06 I*905PZ82    11/90 12/86  700         0  390 R9 00 00 00 16    3482684629331
           PREV HI RATES:  R9 03/89, R9 02/89, R9 01/89                        
   CHARGED OFF ACCOUNT                                                         
   AMOUNT IN H/C COLUMN IS CREDIT LIMIT                                        
07 U*178BQ282   10/90 01/85            231  231 R9 00 00 03    4560337134046711
           PREV HI RATES:  R5 04/90, R5 03/90, R4 02/90                        
08 I*956BB115   10/90 05/86 1100         0      R9 00 00 03           714827012
           PREV HI RATES:  R5 05/90, R5 04/90, R5 07/89                        
09 I*178AC10870 07/90 05/87  123 123   123  123 R9                  38812604654
10 A*906OC69    01/90 10/87              0      O5 00 00 01 09 01/90 4906124373
           PREV HI RATES:  O5 04/89.                                           
   COLLECTION ACCOUNT                                                          
   PAID-CREDIT LINE CLOSED                                                     
11 I*906OF259   12/89 11/87    6         6    6 O9 00 00 02       3724962236703
           PREV HI RATES:  O5 11/89, O5 10/89, O9 02/89
12 I*416DC1577  11/88 11/87  300                R1 00 00 00 12   32134882735921
   SETTLEMENT ACCEPTED ON THIS ACCOUNT                                         
13 I*421DC4566  07/89 10/87  401       390  372 R9 00 00 01      18736847728634
           PREV HI RATES:  R9 02/89, R9 01/89, R5 12/88                        
   CHARGED OFF ACCOUNT                                                         


                   E N D   S A M P L E   C B I   R E P O R T
                      S A M P L E   D T E C   R E P O R T

     SS-012-34-5678  AGE 38&


                  E N D   S A M P L E   D T E C   R E P O R T

Part Six: Making Sense Out of All That Shit.

    SMITH,ALAN,S - is the subject's last name, first name, and middle

    SINCE 04/00/75 - I imagine this is how long they've had a file on the
subject.  (Since April, 1975).

    On the next line is his address- his current address is listed first,
and his past addresses are listed underneath.

    SEX-M is pretty self explanatory.  (It indicates he is a MALE.  Jeez.)

    MAR-M is the subject's marital status (single, married, widowed, divorced).

    DEPS- 2 is the number of dependants the subject has.  A dependant is
most often a son or daughter of the subject who is still under 21.

    SSS-012-34-5678 is the subject's Social Security Number.

    ES- is the subject's current employer.

    EF- are his past employers, listed in order, from most recent to least

    SUM-01/85-01/91 indicates that the report is a summary from January
1985 to January 1991.  This really just tells you how far back in time
the report covers.

    PR/OI-NO - Public Record/Other Information.  This indicates whether
or not the subject has been involved in any court cases (Public Record),
and how those cases turned out (usually that is what Other Information
is.)  Obviously, the NO indicates the subject has not had any legal
involvement during the period which the report covers.

    FB-NO - Firm/Business.  I assume this signifies the subject is not a

    ACCTS:11,HC$6-1600 tells you that there are 11 entries listed below, and
that the credit limit (or amount loaned, in the case of a loan) ranges from
$6 to $1600.

    3-ONES - This tells you the credit rating.  The "3" indicates that
there are 3 of the following type ("ONES" in this case).  The more
"ONES" a subject has, the better his rating.  This particular person has
a lousy credit rating.  Out of 11 accounts, only 3 are ONES.  There can
also be TWOS, THREES, FOURS, et cetera, up through NINES.  NINES are
incredibly bad; the more of these the subject has, the worse his credit
rating is.  ZEROS indicate that the account was too new to be rated at
the time the creditor last reported.

    INQS - This line tells what creditors have checked on the subject's
credit.  While interesting, it is more of a hassle than anything.  You
see, when YOU pull the subject's info, a little line will be added
saying that your hacked account pulled the file.  Now, this won't look
funny until the subject reports fraudulent charging on his card.  Then,
CBI may check on who has pulled the guy's info.  When they see that The
First National Bank of Ethiopia has pulled his info, they will know
something is up.  They will probably call the First National Bank of
Ethiopia and say, "Did you pull this dork's info?" And of course they'll
say "No."  Actually, I've made more out of this than it's worth. Anyway,
the most recent credit check is listed first, and then it works backwards.
It lists the ID CODE and the date the file was pulled.

    The next line contains the headings for the columns that fall under them.

    BUS/ID CODE is the CBI account (minus the password) of the creditor that
holds the subject's credit card, loan, or whatever.  In front of the
actual ID CODE, there is a letter and an asterisk (*).  The letter
signifies what type of account it is.  A - Authorized, C - Co-maker,
I - Individual, J - Joint, S - Shared, T- Terminated, U - Undesignated.
Consult your Local Library to find out what each type of account is.
This isn't really relevant to what you are after.

    RPTD - The last time the creditor reported on the subject.

    OPND - tells when that account was opened.

    H/C - you will notice throughout the report that the "AMOUNT IN H/C
COLUMN IS CREDIT LIMIT".  On a loan, this column reports the amount loaned.

    TRMS - clarifies the terms of a loan.  Usually in the case of a
credit card, this column is blank.  A "48M" in this column indicates
that the amount in the H/C column will be paid back over a period of 48
months, or four years.  In such a case, the number in the MR column
subtracted from the 48 will tell you how many more months the subject
has to go before paying off that loan.

    BAL is an abbreviation for BALANCE OWING.  This is how much of the credit
limit (on a credit card) has been used, or how much of the loan has been
paid back.  On a credit card entry, the BAL subtracted from the H/C is how
much the subject is authorized to spend.

    P/D- Past Due.  Every month, a minimum amount of money is due on
your credit card payment.  This may be as little as 10% of the total
amount due.  Now, the credit card company would be damned happy to see
you only pay the minimum amount, because then they can charge interest
on every thing you owe.  But, if you do not pay this minimum amount
(say you pay $75 out of a $100 minimum), then $25 will be PAST DUE.
It isn't good to owe money thta

    RT - Rating.  This column gives the credit rating for that
particular account.  An 'R' means the account is a revolving or option
payment plan, an 'I' means it is an installment payment plan, and an
'O' means it is an open account.  Consult your library for definitions.
The number following it is the credit rating for that account.
Remember, a '1' is good, and a '9' is really bad.  The number of '1's
here should match the number "X" in "X-ONES" on the first line.

    30/60/90 - the number in the 30 column means that the subject has
been between 30 and 59 days delinquent on his payment that many times.
If a "2" is in the 60 column, this indicates that the subject has been
between 60 and 89 days late with the minimum payment twice during the
number of months in the MR column.  A number in the 90 column would
indicate that the minimum payment has been over 90 days past due "X"
number of times.

    +MR - Months Reviewed.  Indicates how many months thave been
reviewed.  (Obviously.)  Say you have a "1" in the 30 column, and a 49
in the MR column.  This indicates that the subject has been 30-59 days
late with the minimum payment in the past 49 months.  It's not really
too hard to understand.

    DLA/ACCOUNT NO - This column contains the credit card numbers.  Visa
and Mastercard both have 16 digits.  American Express (Amex) has 13
digits.  DLA is the Date Last Activity.  If there is a date in this
column, it is NOT a credit card expiration date, it is telling you the
last time that account was active.

    PREV HI RATES - This indicates the past ratings of the account on
the date listed.

    Explanation of the DTEC report:

    "1 of 1" means that the first report of one is being listed.
Remember, no two people have the same Social Security Numbers.  NM is
the subject's name.  CA is the subject's current address.  The date
at the end of this line should match the most recent date on the address
line in the subject's full report.  The FA line lists former addresses.
The ES line lists the subject's current employer.  Following this is the
subject's Social Security Number, which you must have already had to get
the DTEC report.  And lastly, the subject's age.

Part Seven:  Practical Use of CBI.

    You may have a question now, "Whose file do I pull?"  You want to
pull the file of someone who is rich.  Usually Lawyers and Doctors will
fit the bill.  Look in the Yellow Pages under "Lawyers" and "Doctors"
and find the names of some upper class bastards.  You can use your local
White Pages to cross-reference and get their home addresses.  From here,
you call CBI, and pull their file.
    Once you get the file, look in the DLA/ACCOUNT NO column.  Find all
the 13 and 16 digit numbers.  16 digit numbers starting with "4" are
Visas.  16 digit numbers starting with "5" are Mastercards.  13 digit
numbers starting with "37" are American Express.  The first four digits
of the card number signify the bank that issued the card.  A list is
supplied below, taken from the Narc Infofile #7, Update A.  Thanks to
Htaed for this.  I have not done any work toward verifying these myself,

4428  Bank of Hoven
4128  Citibank           CV
4271  Citibank           PV
4929  Barclay Card       CV  (from England)
4040  Wells Fargo        CV
4019  Bank of America    CV
4024  Bank of America    PV or CV
4019  Bank of America    Gold (This card looks like a CV but without a CV after
                                the expiration date)
4678  Home Federal
4726  Wells Fargo        CV
4424  Security Pacific National Bank
4428  Choice Visa    [Citibank(Maryland)]???
4226  Chase Manhattan Bank
4048                     CV
4121  Signet Bank        CV

5419  Bank of Hoven
5410  Wells Fargo
5412  Wells Fargo
5273  Bank of America             Gold
5273  Bank of America
5254  Bank of America
5286  Home Federal
5031  Maryland Bank of North America
5424  Citibank
5465  Chase Manhattan Bank
5329  Maryland Bank of North 5308
5291  Signet Bank
American Express
3728      GOLD
3713      Regular
3732      Regular
3782      Small Corporate Card
3787      Small Corporate Card
    At this point, your rendezvous with CBI is complete.  Write the
credit card number you obtained, and the subject's basic info in your
notebook.  Destroy the CBI report you have- there's no need to have
evidence sitting around.

Part Eight:  Getting the CBI account.

    Okay kids, here's the hard part.  Actually, it's not very hard at
all.  Just time consuming.  First, you have to find an ID CODE.  You
know, the part of the account BEFORE the dash.  Remember, the part
following the dash is the password.  To get the ID CODE, go trashing
at a car dealership.  You should find some printed out reports.  On
these reports (they should look like what I supplied above), you will
find the "usernames" in the BUS/ID CODE column, and in the INQS line.
All you have to add to this ID CODE is the password (obviously).
Remember, the password is a letter and a number.  So, say your ID CODE
is 123ab4567.  When CBI asks you to PLEASE SIGN ON, you begin hacking.
Two common passwords are -c2 and -c3.  So, the first two things you try
to enter should be "123ab4567-c2. ^S " and "123ab4567-c3. ^S ".
If neither of these work, start at "123ab4567-a1." and work to
"123ab4567-z9."  If I don't find something by the time I get through
-d9, I will usually pick another ID CODE and start over.  You can do
it however you like.
    The lazy way to do this is hang around on QSD with the sex freaks
and see if you can find someone who will trade with you.  Chances are
you'll get screwed, because almost everyone there is a leech.  They'll
either give you something fake, or nothing at all.  If you want to
trade, there are more trustworthy and knowledgeable people on Lutzifer.

Part Nine:  ID CODEs.

     This section is a list of ID CODEs for you to hack on.  This
list is taken from The Ghost's file on CBI, because I am too damn lazy
to make up my own list.


     I haven't collected these myself, so I don't know if they all are
valid.  But, what the hell, this is free, isn't it?  Who are YOU to

Part Ten:  We're Done.

     I hope you have enjoyed my text.  This file is the first in a
series of informational files written by me.  I owe a few thank-yous to
various members of the Renegade Legion, various members of SoC, Owsley,
The Gypsy, The Ghost (for the ID CODEs), Htaed (for the Bank IDs), and
Merchant, who supplied me with a decent portion of this information.

Original Distribution Sites:

(516)  The Demon's Crypt
(617)  The Grapevine
(617)  The Infinity Well
(617)  The Night Elite
(617)  The Works BBS
(206)  ELiTE AoL UsEr TRiBuNe SeCrEt HaCKeR BBS

Internet Distribution (FTP sites):