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I hope it will help you in your travels. ;) TRAVEL GUIDE Because of the continuing "War on Drugs", it is more important than ever that citizens know their rights during unexpected police encounters while traveling. Innocent people in airports, train stations and bus terminals are being subjected to sometimes abusive tactics and coercive questioning by various police agencies looking for money, drugs and drug couriers. Here are some simple precautions and advice you can use to protect you, your reputation and your possessions while traveling. 1). CARRYING PACKAGES FOR OTHERS - Never carry or offer to take a package or suitcase for someone else unless you know the person well and you personally check the package contents - a friendly offer could cause you to spend many years in PRISON. 2). CARRY ON LUGGAGE - Always keep your carry on bag with you or IN YOUR SIGHT. This means take it with you when you eat, use the restroom, or walk around to stretch your legs. It would only take a second for someone to open your bag when you are not watching and place drugs or other contraband inside. It may be impossible for you to prove the contraband is not yours, and again, you could go to prison. Unattended luggage could also be considered abandoned, more on this later. 3). "CONSENSUAL" ENCOUNTERS - It is possible that you may be approached and questioned by police or Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officers on your trip. Police officers now "hang out" at airports, train stations and bus terminals and "talk to" passengers that fit overly broad and sometimes racist profiles. A Scripps Howard News Service investigation found that 77% of passengers targeted in such settings are minorities. According to the Supreme Court case FL vs Bostick police are allowed to approach and speak to citizens. You as a citizen are NOT REQUIRED or obligated to speak to them. You can decline to speak and terminate the conversation AT ANY TIME, including right from the start. You could be asked about your travel plans. You might be asked to produce your drivers license or other ID. You might be asked to produce your travel tickets or other travel documents. You are not REQUIRED to do any of this and can refuse. In a consensual encounter, you can walk away at any time. The police CANNOT use your choice against you. Anything you say WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU even though you have not been informed of your (Miranda) rights. Sometimes just talking to these police can increase their interest in you and may cause them to delay you. Police officers often tape record these encounters with citizens and will use the tape later as evidence in court against you. 4). SEARCHES AND DOG SNIFFS - You might be asked if you would voluntarily consent to a physical search or "dog sniff" of your baggage. You have every right to decline these requests. Even though you may have absolutely nothing to hide, like most people, you may not want strangers rooting through your private possessions. Never lie and say that your bag does not belong to you. Police officers may think it is abandoned property and will open and search it without anyone's consent or a legally obtained warrant. This is another good reason why you should never to leave your bag unattended, it may be considered abandoned and be subject to a questionable search. If you CHOOSE to consent to a search, ANYTHING FOUND may be used against you. If you happen to have any cash, it may be seized. The US Congress is now drafting legislation to prevent further abuses of innocent citizens that have had their money taken from them, but are never even charged with any criminal activity. If you CHOOSE to submit to a dog sniff of your possessions, a positive indication by the dog will result in the seizure of your baggage for a search warrant. You may also be arrested. If your bags are seized and do not contain any drugs or contraband, they and you will be promptly released to go on to your destination. If you are arrested and you have no drugs, you may have legal recourse for being falsely arrested. Police sometimes will make comments like "If you don't have anything to hide, why won't you let us look ? ", or "If you let us look in your bag, you can be on your way", attempting to pressure you into a consent to search or dog sniff your possessions. Innocent people in the United States do not have to allow the police to look in their baggage, or explain the reasons for refusing. Without a reasonable suspicion that you are doing something wrong, you can only be detained for a very brief period. Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures is a fundamental 4th Amendment right under our system of justice and just as any right, you must verbally assert your rights so that you will be protected. Remember if you tell the police its all right to search your belongings, they do not have to comply with these constitutional requirements. If the police have enough legally justifiable reasons (called PROBABLE CAUSE) to look in your bag, a judge may have to agree and authorize a search warrant to allow them to look. 5.) CONDUCT - In any police encounter, remain calm, polite and don't get into any kind of physical confrontation. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated or frightened. Generally, all police officers are required to cordially show their badge and supply their name when asked. You might ask to see the officer's badge and get all names FIRST THING. If you feel badgered or threatened in any way, or the officer refuses to show the badge and supply their name, refuse to say anything else. As soon as you can, write down the time, the location and the best description you can of all the officers involved and file a complaint for misconduct. You may also want to get the advice of an attorney. 6). CHECKED LUGGAGE - To avoid any problems with your checked luggage, place carton sealing tape around the entire bag, placed so it goes around the bag at least once and covers over the keyhole or keyholes. Write your name on the tape a couple of times with a permanent marker. By securing the bag with a seal, you will know if anyone has tampered with your baggage. When you arrive at your destination, if the luggage and tape is not EXACTLY as you left it, complain to the carrier and CALL THE POLICE. -= ... Groovy Tunes Results Here's the results of our Groovy Tunes Poll. The selections marked with a "*" are ones that our staff likes also. The names are in alphabetical order according to artist name. The Aqua Velvets - Surfmania The Beatles - Live at the BBC The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour * The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band * The Beatles - The White Album * The Beatles - Abbey Road * Bush - Sixteen Stone Cypress Hill - Black Sunday * Cypress Hill - Temple of the Boom Dazed + Confused - Sound Track Dick Dale - Greatest Hits Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited * Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde * Bob Dylan - Freewheelin' Fast Times ... - Sound Track Foo Fighters - Foo Fighters Grateful Dead - Hundred Year Hall * Grateful Dead - Europe '72 * Grateful Dead - American Beauty * Jimi Hendrix - Are You Experienced? * Jimi Hendrix - Blues * Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland * Jimi Hendirx - Axis: Bold as Love * Jimi Hendrix - Radio One * Jane's Addiction - Ritual De Lo Habitual Janis Joplin - Greatest Hits Bob Marley - Legend * Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral Nirvana - Nevermind Oasis - Definatly Maybe * Oasis - Morning Glory Phish - A Live One * Primus - Tales From the Punchbowl * RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik * RHCP - One Hot Minute Santana - Viva Santana! * Sex Pistols - Nevermind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols * Soundgarden - Superunknown * Toadies - Rubberneck -= .... Advertisments -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= UnderWater World BBS =- -= 215-533-8735 215-535-3179 =- -= Sysop -- MetalHead =- -= =- -= Euphoria Distro =- -= =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= ..... Information That's it for this issue of Euphoria! We're STILL looking for writers! If you're interested email volcom@tnce.com. Also, if you want an ad in Euphoria email us! You can pick up Euphoria at hyperreal.com in the drugs/incoming directory and at hemp.uwec.edu in the donations directory. If you read the advertisments section of Euphoria you would have noticed an ad for our new distro, UnderWater World BBS! Call now! We now have a mailing list! Send email to volcom@tnce.com with the message: "gimme euphoria list" to get on it! New Feature Announcement! Euphoria is going to add a Classified Section to the zine! It's free so if you want to advertise your store, product, or service drop us a line. Also, if you just want to talk to some other stoners send a little about yourself and an email address! Later!