| |.| |.| |\./| |\./| . |\./| . \^.\ |\\.//| /.^/ \--.|\ |\\.//| /|.--/ \--.| \ |\\.//| / |.--/ \---.|\ |\./| /|.---/ Euphoria \--.|\ |\./| /|.--/ \ .\ |.| /. / Issue 3 _ -_^_^_^_- \ \\ // / -_^_^_^_- _ - -/_/_/- ^ ^ | ^ ^ -\_\_\- - January 1996 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Euphoria=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= =- -= . Intro =- -= .. Bong Building Guide =- -= ... Hemp Clothing Retailer List =- -= .... Head Shop List =- -= ..... Mailing Drugs =- -= ...... Nutmeg =- -= ....... Information =- -= =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=E-Zine-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= . Intro Welcome to another issue of Euphoria! We are still looking for writers and Distro sites so, if you are interested, check out the Information section of the zine. Also, if you have a organization or store and would like an ad in the zine email us. There's lot's of other stuff in the Info section so don't forget to check it out! Enjoy the zine! -= .. Bong Building Guide -=Introduction=- A bong is probaly the best way to smoke. A bong is a sealed chamber half-full of water, a pipe with a bowl at the end, and another pipe with a mouth piece. You put your pot in the bowl, light it, and inhale through the mouthpiece. This lowers the air pressure in the chamber which causes smoke to travel from the bowl, through the water and into your lungs. The water cools the smoke and filters out some carcinagens. Some people like to use vodka in the chamber (then drink it), or crushed ice and water, or iced tea... use your imagination... -=Supplies=- You'll need a few simple items to make your bong. They are: 1 jar (a mason jar, a snapple bottle, whatever) 1 plastic bendy straw (or a bic pen with the insides removed) 1 pipe (with a screen in one end) -=Instructions=- Now take the jar and put 2 holes in it's lid. Stick the pipe in one end and the straw in the other. Make sure the pipe is below the water and the straw above it. Here's a diagram: _________ --> --------.| mouthpiece || \_;;;_/ <-- bowl || |#| <-- screen || | | ____||_________| |____ |____||_________| |____| | || | | | | || | | | jar --> | | | | | | | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~| <-- water line | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______________________| -=Conclusion=- That's it. A bong's easy to make and is a great tool to smoke with! If you have any ideas for another kind of a bong, pipe, or whatever email us. -= ... Hemp Clothing Retailer List Here is a short list of hemp clothing retailer's. If you would like to be listed here please send us email. Cannibiz Company P.O. Box 272 Occidental, CA 95465 Phone: 707-874-3449 Fax: 707-874-2974 CD Trash 109 Commercial Drive Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: 406-587-3020 Fax: 406-585-7808 Headcase 150 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Phone: 201-420-5900 Fax: 201-420-7101 Hemp Traders 2130 Colby Ave. #1 Los Angles, CA 90025 Phone: 310-914-9557 Fax: 310-478-2108 Wandering Travelberry P.O. Box 1635 Evanston, IL 60201 -= .... Head Shop List Here is a short head shop list. If you would like to be added to this list email us. Bonnie & Clyde's P.O. Box 479 Point Blank, Texas 77364 Camp High P.O. Box 526 Wicklife, OH 44092 Crazy Ed's 2038 Dairy Mart Rd. 129-470 San Ysidro, CA 92173 R & J Imports P.O. Box 4051 Carlsbad, CA 92018 Rocky Asing P.O. Box 2745 Kaliua-Kona, Hawaii 96745 Yang P.O. Box 803404 Chicaga, IL 60680 Yin & Yang P.O. Box 1500 Murray Hill Station, NY 10156 Cellophan Cloud 207 New Road Chatteris Cambs, PE166DB United Kingdom Magik Eye P.O. Box 1500 Glastonbury Somerset, BA 69 FE United Kingdom -= ..... Mailing Drugs -=Supplies=- Drugs Padded Envelope Dryer Sheets Aluminum Foil Ziploc Bag -=Instructions=- Take your drugs and wrap it in a zip-loc bag then wrap the bag in dryer sheets. Now put that in another zip-loc bag and wrap it in aluminum foil. Now you put that in the padded envelope and take it to the post office. Tell them there is a video tape in the envelope and not to xray it. Also, when you are writing the address on the envleope use a phony return address and a fake name for the recipient. -=Tips=- If you are the one who is getting the drugs in the mail, there are a few thinks to remember: 1. If the post office calls you asking for the fake name on the package and saying you need to come down to the post office and pick it up... don't go! 2. Always get rid of the envelope the drugs came in as soon as possible. -=Conclusion=- This method should work for small amounts of drugs but for large amouts you may want to try something else. Remember if you do get caught just say that the drugs came to the wrong address (this is why you use the fake name). -= ...... Nutmeg Nutmeg is fast becoming a popular drug with people today. It's fast, it's fairly cheap, and it's legal. In case you don't already know what to do with nutmeg here's how. 1. Buy some fresh whole nutmeg. 2. Grind it in a blender, coffee grinder, whatever. 3. Take about 10 grams (eat it) That's it! You may experience nasua or vomiting. The high lasts about 6 hours and it's slightly visual like acid but it's more like some really good pot. -= ....... Information Well that's it for another issue of Euphoria! It was alittle small but the two people left on staff (one being me) were alittle beat from the holidays. This brings me to another topic... WE NEED WRITERS!!! We lost alot of our writers to college (hopefully they'll join back up in the summer). So, anyway, if you're interested in writing email us at: volcom@tnce.com. Here's a short list of places to get Euphoria (if you have a board or ftp site and would like to offer our zine, feel free! and send us email with info about your board or site and we'll include it in our list). ftp - hyperreal.com drugs/incoming/ (the file would be: uXXX.txt) bbs - alot of boards in the 215/610/609 area carry it That's it!!! :( We need support! If you have anything to offer email us! Thanks. p.s. next issue will be better! i promise! later...