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Nota Bene: We run an archive of material culled off the net that we judge to be interesting. We are not a drug information service, and really can't function as a "Question and Answer Team" for the entire Internet. For the most part, what you see on the archive is what you get. All of us here are basically university students in unrelated fields who have an interest in the subject matter. Please keep this in mind when you're asking questions.

If you have a drug-related question, try these resources in this order:

  1. Check the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  2. Look through the rest of the archive
  3. Try other sites
  4. Go to a library (university or public)
  5. Post your question to Usenet (rec.drugs.* or talk.politics.drugs)
  6. Ask us (notice this is the last option)

Email us if:

Don't email us if:

[*] although if you know why we don't want to hear from @AOL.COM and are trying your best to find another ISP then we might grant you an exception =)

Also note: if you got your AOL.COM account illegally and have clue then you're excempt


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