[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [] [] [] Big Secrets - Volume Four [] []:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:[] [] Written by => The Wyvern [] [] [] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _______________________________________________________________________________ Preface ....... In volume four we will be talking about various scam type things, currency paper and bugs in books. *)> Currency Paper <(* ---------------------- The Treasury Department does not make the paper that is used to print money. The paper's maker is contracted out to 2 private companies. Mostly known for business stationary. They are Crane Company and Gilbert Paper. The kind of currency now used is made by the Treasury Department in conjunction with Crane and Co. They have used this type of currency all the way from 1880. Officially, the formula on how to make the currency paper is top secret. In fact, however there is very little that is not known about the paper.. You probably know a lot about it. Since 1880 there have been counterfeits trying to make perfect copies, some have had a little success others have had none. Here's what is known about it: the paper is 75% cotton and 25% linen. The red and blue fibers are pure silk. Here are the hidden features of U.S. Currency: [1] The paper fluoresces under an ultraviolet light. [2] The ink is magnetic - not enuf to be noticed with a regular magnet but can be found with the uses of special machines. [3] The paper contains small invisible holes and under a microscope little points of light shine thru. This is the funny part, money was once made with used clothing! (uk!) Crane would go purchase some old cotton shirts, hired people to pick off the buttons and to bleach the cotton fabric white. Today they use small patches of fabric that Crane purchases from textile companies. The first step is they convert the fabric into pulp. The cuttings of cotton linen are mixed with water - and beaten in mashed in large machines. In a few hours they have nice pulp sheets. The blue and red fibers are now added. Then the pulp is poured into some kind of molds. The paper molds I have seen usually consist of a fine wooden frame and a fine wire mesh bottom. The are a little larger then the sheets to allow for shrinkage. They must spread the pulp evenly inside the mold and then after the product is a slip of paper about .0042 to .0045 inches thick. Excess water drips thru the wire mesh which leaves a newly formed sheet in the mold. The damp sheets are then probably transferred to wool mats or felts. The sheets and felts are then mashed together to get rid of all that other excess water. Then the paper is dried in paper lofts and the drier they are the stronger they are. Then the paper is sized which makes it so the ink cant be smeared all over the place. The type used is glue! But glue is really a sizing gel made by boiling hoofs and ears and stuff of all the dead live stock. So they take it and press it onto the bill. The finished sheets usually measure 53.5 by 63.0 centimeters - just enuf for 32 bills, eight down and four across. It is still very hard to counterfeit you must get the machines and be very exact. *)> A Few Scams <(* ------------------- 2 for 1: At a movie theater try ripping in half one of the tickets and giving one to you and the other to whomever you're with, then just pass by pretending its a stub by just waving in their face. Parking meters: Try tightening the screws on the dials of the meters, it makes them go slower. Cracked: If you ever get a cracked window on your car or whatever you drive like in front or on the sides try to find a truck with a heavy load as gravel or something, get the name, license, and company and report it to your insurance agency..they cover it. Charge-a-phone: Take a hex wrench and remove the screw in the middle of the phone for an extension. *)> Bugs in Books <(* --------------------- The 3-M Corp has made a little metal strip that they now sell to stores and book manufacturers. What it consists of is the strip is placed far in the binding of the book and a machine is stuck by the door of the store, so when you walk out it sets off an alarm unless it has been disabled or taken out. They put it in the binding and most book buyers wonder why the hell it's there and why there book is hard to keep to a page and it always closes..these bugs are used on best selling books, books by the front door of the store and very popular books. A lot of places have stopped using them because of all the trouble they are..people come in the stores complaining and stuff...but all in all there is one more safety gadget book stores have added.