FREEDOM SUMMER 95 I don't expect you to agree, but I do expect you to think! It would help if you showed this to 10 friends or passed it along on the internet. "We must hang together, or certainly we will hang separately." <- the $100 guy, Benjamin Franklin. Grape Daddy A philosophical what-if: What if EVERYONE who knows what the word "Hemp" means were to plant many small patches they had no intention of harvesting? What if they (you) did this ALL-AT-ONCE this spring? Feed the birds in the woods; plant it where it would be found and where it would not; plant whatever seeds you have or can get; plant strains that will mature before the first frost and then naturalize;let it grow wild EVERYWHERE. LET IT BE FREE AGAIN! Don't eat the seeds just because you read that in Back to Eden. Don't store them in a mason jar until they die. Go hiking or throw them out airplane windows. What if this rave-of-a-what-if were to be expanded exponentially into action in the hearts and minds of thirty million people who are "down to seeds and stems again too?" And what if this were to happen ALL-AT-ONCE instead of to just an intermittent few? What if Hemp ... just happened ...all at once a rave? ...What a party! What are the chaotic consequences of one small person's small actions? Each and every one of us has the power to change things. We all make many ripples, but who knows where and how far our ripples flow? We have the power. Now, we must use it or loose it. Plant your seeds now. Make ripple, not war. Make 1995 FREEDOM SUMMER. printed on tree free ecopaper; 50% Hemp and 50% cereal straw