69/125: Incoming Verses for all to View Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 13:47:13 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas The following are some little tid-bits from a user of mine. They are files that I am going to upload. Unsavior is an out there kinda dude, but he'll make you think. If the host doesn't want them, then that's fine, delete them, but I think you Bible belters will hate them and I am sure you Anti-Bible belters are going to love them. And yes, the Unsavior is a Satanist. ----- We'll know for the 1st time, if we're Evil or Divine, we're the last in line! 70/125: 1 Corinthians 14:34 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 13:49:50 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 59 Date: 11-02-93 20:51 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - 1 Corinthians 14:34 U#@> "Let the women keep silent in the churches, for they are not U#@> allowed to speak. Instead, they must, as the Law says, be in U#@> subordination." U#@> Not only is God cruel, vindictive, petty, hateful and mean, he is also U#@> a chauvinist. Thank Satan that this type of thinking is no longer in U#@> effect. [Well, no one who is intelligent thinks that way] Satanists U#@> must NEVER discriminate against anyone because of their gender or U#@> race. People have to be judged in an individual basis and the type of U#@> blanket condemnations found in the Bible are to be avoided. U#@> UNSAVIOR 71/125: 2 Kings 2:23-24 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 13:51:56 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 11 Date: 10-03-93 10:09 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Unsavior's verse of the day - 2 Kings 2:23-24 U#@> "When he left there for Bethel, and was on his way, some youths came U#@> out of the city and poked fun at him saying 'Go up baldy, go up U#@> baldy!' As he turned and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the U#@> Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the forest and tore up 42 of the U#@> boys" U#@> My, my, my....so now it seems that the mad beast worshiped by those U#@> nutty Christians has taken to killing children for...oh..shall we U#@> say...youthful indescretions? Mauled by bears for teasing a bald man. U#@> Tsk..Tsk..Tsk. Kinda put a damper on his rep as a loving and caring U#@> god now doesn't it? You'd think that a god worth worshiping would be U#@> above such a petty emotion as vanity. U#@> Not only is he the president of Hair-club for Deities...He's also a U#@> client! U#@> UNSAVIOR 72/125: Deuteronomy 14:8-9 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 13:53:55 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 36 Date: 10-11-93 21:49 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Deuteronomy 14:8-9 U#@> ÒThe hog is unclean because it divides the hoof but does not chew U#@> the cud; of their flesh you must not eat, nor may you touch their U#@> carcass. Of the creatures that live in water, those that have fins and U#@> scales you may eat, but whatever does not have fins and scales is U#@> unclean to you, you shall not eat of it.Ó U#@> WOW! Not only does God tell you how to act, think and feel, he also U#@> tells you what you can and cannot eat. Hmmm....letÕs see...no U#@> bacon...no ham...no pork chops...no lobster...no crab...no U#@> oysters...no shrimp...Damn!...Now Hell is going to be overcrowded with U#@> Christians who took advantage of SizzlerÕs all you can eat Steak and U#@> Shrimp combo. U#@> UNSAVIOR They get better folks, hang in there for JOB! 73/125: Deuteronomy 23:1 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 13:55:49 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 25 Date: 10-06-93 12:01 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Deuteronomy 23:1 U#@> ÒNo one whose testicles have been crushed or severed shall enter U#@> the LordÕs congregation.Ó U#@> I know some of you will be wondering ÒWhat the hell was God thinking U#@> when he came up with this law?Ó ThereÕs a very simple and logical U#@> explanation for this, which I will now give you. You see...when you U#@> enter the LordÕs congregation, you may be called upon by God to serve U#@> him as a minister or pastor. It is well known to all religious U#@> scholars that the Lord requires his spokespersons to be whole and able U#@> to fuck over the unsuspecting and stupid. Now, how are you gonna do U#@> this if your dick donÕt work? Hmm? God has very strict guidelines for U#@> his people, he wants them to represent him honestly and faithfully. I U#@> mean if you canÕt get it up...how are you gonna have an affair with U#@> your secretary? U#@> UNSAVIOR 74/125: Exodus 22:18 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 13:58:49 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 43 Date: 10-00-14 B, 1 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Exodus 22:18 U#@> "Allow no sorceress to live." U#@> Uh oh...here's another group of people that God wants his followers to U#@> kill. It's verses like this one [and the Bible is full of 'em] that U#@> gives Christians the license to commit the attrocities [Inquisitions, U#@> Crusades, Witch hunts] against innocent people just because they don't U#@> believe or worship the same way. This type of mentality STILL exists U#@> today, and it will always exist. It is inherent in the Christian's U#@> nature and no amount of reason or logic will ever change it. So the U#@> next time you run into a Christian, don't try to convince him that U#@> your "religion" is good and not "evil", and that he should try to U#@> accept you and others...It won't happen. WAKE UP! You can't reason U#@> with them, they will never accept you, and your sycophantic ways just U#@> further alienates you from the rest of the Occult community. Instead U#@> of trying to placate Christians, join the fight in trying to destroy U#@> them. Only when Christianity no longer has a stranglehold on our U#@> society will we be truly free. -> Alice4Mac 2.2b2 E QWK Eval:29Sep93 Hey there all you Wiccans, read that one again for better memory! 75/125: Exodus 4:25 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:00:55 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 64 Date: 11-25-93 18:27 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: Verse of the day ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: Verse of the day U#@> Verse of the day - Exodus 4:25 U#@> "but Zipporah took a flint knife, circumcised her son and threw the U#@> foreskin at his feet with the words "You are indeed a blood bridegroom U#@> to me." U#@> This verse is part of a very interesting story about God and his U#@> rather bizarre eating habits. It seems as though God was angered and U#@> was about to kill Moses because his son was not circumcised. Moses's U#@> wife saved the day by grabbing a sharp rock and hacking the hell out U#@> of the young boys genitals. God, spying the freshly severed piece of U#@> flesh lying on the ground at Moses's feet was pleased and has been U#@> recorded as saying "Yum, yum...good eats!" -> Alice4Mac 2.2b2 E QWK Yeah, yeah, some of these are twisted, but they make some great points! 76/125: The Unsavior on Freemasons Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:14:46 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 65 Date: 12-06-93 19:21 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: America ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: America U#@> America - Christian Country? U#@> Many people are under the false impression that our government U#@> was founded on the principles of Christianity. This is simply not the U#@> case. The brave men who banded together to throw off the English yoke U#@> of oppression were not an overtly Christian bunch [and some of them, U#@> most notably Thomas Jefferson, despised Christianity]. In fact most of U#@> them weren't Christians at all but were Freemasons. The separation of U#@> Church and State was one of the major issues adopted by our freedom U#@> loving ancestors. They did not want the same oppression and U#@> persecution to corrupt their new nation that had corrupted and shamed U#@> the puritans. It seems to be the popular belief that the pilgrims left U#@> England and came to this country to escape religious persecution. It U#@> makes for a nice story, but how accurate is it? It is well known U#@> [among those who can read and look beyond the somewhat biased fables U#@> that are taught in school] that our puritan ancestors engaged in U#@> religious fanatacism and persecution that rivaled that of the spanish U#@> inquisition. The Salem witch trials is just one of the many examples U#@> of their rabid [and often times violent] devotion to their God. U#@> Luckily for us, their reign of terror didn't last and it was a more U#@> enlightened, more intelligent people that founded our great nation. U#@> Take for example, our pledge of allegiance. The line "One nation under U#@> God" was not added to the pledge until 1954 [during the hey-day of U#@> McCarthyism. Just one of the low points our nation has had to endure U#@> thanks to the political power of religious fanatics]. Everyone U#@> of us were taught in school the story of the Boston tea party. A small U#@> band of Bostonian's dressed up like Indians and dumped tea into the U#@> harbor in a protest over the tax on tea. They dressed up like Indians U#@> to fool the ship's owner as to the real identity of the group. Why U#@> anyone would think Indians would be upset about a tea tax is not U#@> known. What is known is that the people involved frequented a tavern U#@> called the "Green dragon", a hotbed of political dissent. They U#@> gathered in the Green Dragon prior to their rendezvous at the docks. U#@> This tavern was also a well known haunt of Freemasons. It is a U#@> reasonable assumption that some, if not the majority, of the U#@> participants were indeed Masons. While this is not the popular U#@> belief held by the Christian majority or presented in the textbooks, U#@> supporting evidence is easy to locate. The first U.S. Freemasonic U#@> lodge was established in Philadelphia, later to be used [temporarily] U#@> as the first U.S. Capitol. Among it's members was Ben Franklin [who was U#@> also at one time a member of Sir Francis Dashwood's infamous Hellfire U#@> Club]. Members of the Masonic lodge in Boston included John Hancock U#@> and Paul Revere. George Washington became a Mason in 1752. With the U#@> start of the American Revolution the American lodges broke away from U#@> their English counterparts. Of the first 20 presidents, 13 of them U#@> were Masons. Thomas Jefferson so hated Christianity that he took U#@> a pair of scissors and a pen to his copy of the bible, crossing off or U#@> cutting out offending passages and tearing out whole pages. When the U#@> British burned down the Library of Congress in 1814, Jefferson sold U#@> them 6,000 of his books which became the foundation of the library. U#@> Many of these books were on subjects outside the Judeo-Christian U#@> religion, and today would be on the Christian fundamentalists list of U#@> books to be banned. The Masonic influence [while extending to U#@> all parts of our early history] is most evidenced on our currency.U#@> Lo ok at the one dollar bill. On the back side is the Great seal of the U#@> United States. The seal was adopted shortly after the nation was U#@> founded, and thus reflects the beliefs of the men who chose it. The U#@> seal is two sided and both sides appear on the back of the dollar. U#@> The front side of the Great seal shows a truncated pyramid with U#@> "1776" in Roman numerals etched at it's base. All of the inscriptions U#@> on the seal are in Latin. The words printed above the pyramid, Annuit U#@> CÏptis, mean "He has smiled upon our endeavors." This is commonly U#@> misunderstood to be the Christian God. The word for "God" in Latin is U#@> Dues. It stands to reason that if the designers of the seal had meant U#@> "God", they would would have said it. The"He" doing the smiling is U#@> certain to be the all seeing eye [a Masonic symbol] which peers U#@> through a [Pythagorean] triangle. The triangle is the symbol of U#@> science, not spirituality. On the scroll underneath the pyramid is the U#@> inscription Novos Ordo Seculorum which translates to "New order of U#@> the ages", and order of science and Knowledge as opposed to Christian U#@> superstition and fear. The back side of the Great seal shows an U#@> eagle clutching a group of arrows in it's right claw, and an olive U#@> branch in it's left. There are 13 leaves and 13 olives on the branch U#@> and 13 arrows. Above the eagle is a necromantic star formed by 13 U#@> five-pointed stars. The number 13 has long had a sinister reputation. U#@> It is the traditional number of people in a witches coven, and even U#@> today, many hotels don't have a 13th floor. The inscription E Pluribus U#@> Unum [which coincidentally contains 13 letters] means "From many,  U#@> one" - one purpose, one will, which fits in nicely with magical U#@> theory. This was the original motto of the United states until it was U#@> replaced by "In God we trust" [which didn't start to show up on our U#@> money until 1864 and was formally adopted by congress in 1956]. This U#@> preoccupation with the magical number 13 is curious, although it could U#@> also represent the 13 original colonies. Perhaps the symbols chosen U#@> were selected for just this type of ambiguity of meaning. A lot of U#@> careful thought went into the design of the Great seal and numerology U#@> certainly played an important part. One thing is certain, the U#@> symbolism used on the seal is definitely not Christian. If Christians U#@> had designed the Great Seal I'm sure it would have been adorned with U#@> crosses, fish and pictures of the virgin Mary and Jesus. Another U#@> example of Masonic influence in the early years of the United States U#@> is evidenced in the capitol city designed by the founding fathers. The U#@> site selected for the new capitol was a largely undeveloped piece of U#@> land lying on the border of the states Maryland and Virginia. It was U#@> originally divided into two counties, Washington and Alexandria. In U#@> the southernmost section of the designated area was a small town U#@> called Alexandria. It is at least a curious coincidence that the U#@> premier city of Hellenic knowledge would have a namesake in the new U#@> capitol. A 100 square mile perfect square was laid out. The four U#@> corners of the square face north, south, east and west. Each side of U#@> the square has sides that are 50 miles long each. The site chosen for U#@> the construction of the government buildings is in the northern U#@> section of the square. This seems to echo the occult idea that "North U#@> is the position of power." The capitol faces west. The White House is U#@> the northern most building of importance as would befit it's status as U#@> the seat of power. There was not even a plan for a church in the U#@> original draft of the city plan. These are clearly not the designs and U#@> ideas of Christians. The Masonic influence and power in our U#@> country began to wane in the 1800's and an increasingly predominate U#@> Christian leadership started to take over. The country's been going U#@> downhill ever since. 77/125: Genesis 19:32 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:19:47 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 74 Date: 12-00-18 B, 1 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: Verse of the day ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: Verse of the day U#@> U#@> Verse of the day - Genesis 19:32 U#@> "Come on, let us get our father to drink wine and let us lie with U#@> him, so as to perpetuate our family through our father." U#@> This is the older of Lot's daughters talking to her younger sibling. U#@> their plan was to get their father drunk and then ride the hell out of U#@> him, and perhaps, if they were lucky, get a couple of dependents out of U#@> the deal. so that night, they got Lot drunk and the older daughter went U#@> to him and threw down a zesty session with her pops. The next night, U#@> the younger daughter got him drunk and repeated the performance given U#@> by her sister the night before. Now the Bible claims that Lot was U#@> unaware of what was going on. Yeah right! Let me tell you all U#@> something, if a man is too drunk to know that a sexy young girl is U#@> throwing down on him, he's too drunk to get it up. That's a fact. So it U#@> only stands to reason that either Lot KNEW that his daughters were U#@> riding his pony and only pretended to be passed out, or God gave his U#@> divine blessing to Lot's member and aided the daughters in their U#@> nefarious plan. Both daughters conceived from their incestous unions U#@> with their father and popped out a couple of mutant banjo playing U#@> [remember "Deliverance"?] sons. Neither Lot or the two girls were U#@> punished by God for their blasphemous couplings, which leads me to U#@> believe that not only did God condone their actions, but he probably U#@> aided in it assuring that the girls conceived. The moral of this little U#@> tale is that God condones [and even encourages] incest. That's right! U#@> God don't mind pre-marital sex as ling as it's kept "in the family". So U#@> the next time a member of your family is looking particularly sexy, go U#@> ahead and give 'em a good hobbling. IŒ please God and assure your U#@> ascention into heaven [not to mention relieving you of any pent up U#@> frustrations you may have]. U#@> UNSAVIOR 78/125: Genesis 38:8 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:23:36 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas GÄ Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 68 Date: 12-08-93 22:45 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: Verse of the Day ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: Verse of the Day U#@> Verse of the day - Genesis 38:8-10 U#@> "Judah then told Onan, 'Go to your brother's widow; fulfill to her U#@> the duty of a brother in law and raise a family for your brother. But U#@> knowing the offspring would not be his, Onan, whenever he went to his U#@> brother's widow, spilled his seed upon the ground, to prevent his U#@> brother from having children. His behavior was wicked in the sight of U#@> the Lord, so he ended his life." U#@> This is a simple story about morality and choice [actually the lack of U#@> them]. In biblical times, when an older brother died, it fell upon his U#@> younger sibling to "take over" for him and impregnate his widow, thus U#@> insuring that the bloodline would continue. When Onan's brother died U#@> [the actual cause of his death was that he choked on vomit. It was U#@> actually someone elses vomit, but they can't prove who's vomit it was. U#@> I mean you can't dust for vomit] it was Onan's duty to go into the U#@> tent of his brother's widow and throw her a zesty session of "Who's U#@> your daddy, who's your daddy, who's your daddy?" Now Onan didn't want U#@> to have sex with his brother's widow,who had a face like a water U#@> buffalo, let alone sire offspring with her. So when he was forced into U#@> the dirty deed, instead of sowing his seed inside her womb, he U#@> spackled the back of her neck with it, thus insuring no butt-ugly U#@> moose children would develop from their union. Now God, took a dim U#@> view of Onan's actions [God don't care if his followers are stupid and U#@> ugly, just as long as they drop to their knees and open their wallets] U#@> and instead of commending Onan for his courage in standing up for his U#@> principles, he killed him. Hmmm...I wonder is this seed spilling sin U#@> includes masturbation? If it does....we're all dead! U#@> UNSAVIOR 79/125: Job 1:21 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:27:36 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 48 Date: 10-00-16 B, 1 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: Yes To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Job 1:21 U#@> "Saying 'Naked I came forth from my mother's womb, and naked I shall U#@> return; the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name U#@> of the Lord.'" U#@> The story of Job is an interesting one. It clearly shows God to be U#@> petty, prideful, cruel, uncaring and a total dickhead. The story goes U#@> like this. Satan is cruising around and he runs into God. "What's up?" U#@> say Satan. "Check this out" God replies "My man Job is one loyal U#@> motherfucker. He just loves the shit outta me." "Of course he does" U#@> Says Satan sardonically "You got his house surrounded by a hedge that U#@> let's nothing bad enter. You bless him with good fortune. With that U#@> kind of bribery, it's no wonder he's got his nose buried in your U#@> butt." Well..God couldn't deny the truth of Satan's words. "Alright U#@> then" God said "I'll tell you what. You can do anything you want to U#@> Job's house, family and property. Anything at all, and when you're U#@> done I'll bet that Job still digs me." Satan smiled evily and said U#@> "You got yourself a bet. Sucker!" "Just remember' God said "Do U#@> anything you want, but you can't harm Job physically." "No prob." said U#@> Satan and he promptly set about his task of taking Job down a peg or U#@> two. Satan [with God's permission] killed Job's family, servants, and U#@> livestock. He blew up Job's house, pee'd in Job's well, wiped his ass U#@> on Job's pillow, and basically made Job's life a living Hell. But to U#@> Satan's surprise, Job did not denounce God. On the contrary, Job U#@> continued to support God and praise his name. "Damn!" Satan said to U#@> God "Looks like you were right. Job is a lot stupider than I thought. U#@> You win." After Satan had gone, God gave Job a bunch of nifty prizes U#@> for staying loyal and helping him win the bet. Now, to the average U#@> Christian [to whom reason and logic are just words used in a game of U#@> scrabble], this is a story about being rewarded for remaining faithful U#@> to God. A Satanist however, can see through the candy-coated dogma U#@> that is spoon fed to the truly stupid [Christian] and see the truth U#@> behind the facade. Correct me if I'm wrong. [which I'm not] God is U#@> all powerful and all knowing. He knows the past, present and future. U#@> Right? Well then, it only stands to reason that God knew that Job U#@> would not forsake him BEFORE he made the bet with Satan. God already U#@> knew that Job would remain loyal, but he made the bet with Satan U#@> anyway and let Satan kill his family and destroy his farm. Why? What U#@> was God's motivation for fucking over Job? Did Satan trick God into U#@> the bet? How could he? If Satan was able to trick God, then God U#@> wouldn't be omnipotent. For Satan to trick God, they would have to be U#@> equals. Maybe God just felt like showing off. If that's the case, it's U#@> pretty juvenile behavior for a deity dontcha think? Did he want to U#@> prove a point to Satan? Why would he? God hates Satan and [according U#@> to Christian mythology] is more powerful than Satan. If you know U#@> you're better than someone else, would you fuck over a loved one to U#@> prove it? Of course not, but it seems as though God would. whatever U#@> the reason, one thing is for sure: God is not the loving and caring U#@> being Christians try to portray him as, instead, he is portrayed in U#@> the Bible as a petty, cruel, vindictive God that doesn't really give a U#@> shit about man. U#@> UNSAVIOR Whew, it may be rude, but it makes a solid point or two. 80/125: John 8:59 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:30:25 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 19 Date: 10-04-93 21:47 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: Yes To: All Mark: Subj: UNSAVIOR'S VERSE OF THE D ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: UNSAVIOR'S VERSE OF THE D U#@> VERSE OF THE DAY - John 8:59 U#@> "They picked up stones to hurl at Him: But jesus concealed himself U#@> and passed out of the temple." U#@> This verse relates a tale about a day in the life of Jesus. It seems U#@> as though Jesus was hanging around the temple on day, telling anyone U#@> who would listen his "I am the Son of God" stories and trying to unload U#@> some "Sermon on the mount" t-shirts and coffee mugs he had left over. U#@> The priests at the temple took offense to his blasphemous statements U#@> and inflated prices and proceeded to deal with the young scalawag in U#@> orderly fashion by stoning him to death. Now, instead of proving his U#@> claims of divinity,[or offering to sell his merchandise to the priests U#@> at wholesale prices] Jesus chose instead to hike up his skirt and U#@> hightail it outta there. it is said that you could hear his screams for U#@> blocks around as Jesus set a new land speed record for the 1/4 mile. U#@> UNSAVIOR 81/125: Lamentations 3:1 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:32:37 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 76 Date: 12-20-93 18:21 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: Yes To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: Verse of the day ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Verse of the day - Lamentations 3:1 "I AM the man who has seen affliction by the rod of His wrath." This is a statement made by Jeremiah regarding his sudden aqcuisition of an STD after a particularly zesty round of ingus with the Lord. The Lord [in his macho stubborness] refused to practice safe sex, telling Jeremiah "I am the Lord your God! I am angered by your lack of trust in Me. Now bend over!" Jeremiah, ashamed that he had asked God to wear a condom, gave in to the lusty desires of the Almighty and paid the price for his foolishness. A painful, burning sensation when he pees. Remember, always wear a condom. [especially when being f**ked by God] Unsavior 82/125: Leviticus 1:12 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:34:45 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 69 Date: 12-11-93 12:14 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: Verse of the Day ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Verse of the day - Leviticus 1:12-13 "He shall then cut it into portions with it's head and it's fat, and the priest shall arrange them upon the wood that is on the altar fire; but he shall wash the intestines and the legs with water and the priest shall bring it all and burn it as incense upon the altar. It is a burnt sacrifice, a fire offering, a pleasing fragrance to the Lord" These verses give instructions on how to properly sacrifice an innocent animal to the Lord. Nothing can give the Lord a woody like the smell of burning flesh. As a Satanist, I am constantly asked about animal sacrifices. "How can you do that?" the self-rightious Christian screams hysterically! "I don't" is my calm reply. "Perhaps you should check out the history surrounding your own bloodthirsty religion before you try and cast aspersions upon mine. Ever read Leviticus?" Of course this goes completely over the Christian's head. They have the uncanny ability of NOT seeing the truth when it is presented to them. Such is the way of the ignorant and the blind, and so it will always be. UNSAVIOR 83/125: Leviticus 25:44 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:36:02 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 54 Date: 10-26-93 13:54 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Leviticus 25:44-45 U#@> "Your slaves, male and female, whom you shall own, shall be from U#@> the nations around you; of them you shall buy male and female slaves. U#@> You may also buy from among the children of the strangers who live U#@> among you and from their relatives in your environs, who were born in U#@> your country; those you may own." U#@> This verse speaks for itself. Not only does God condone slavery, he U#@> even encourages it. What about that crap about all men being equal in U#@> the eyes of the Lord? Hell, even God don't believe that shit. U#@> UNSAVIOR 84/125: Matthew 10:37 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:37:28 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 49 Date: 10-00-18 B, 1 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Matthew 10:37 U#@> "He who loves father and mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, U#@> and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of me." U#@> Well..well..well... So Jesus says that you have to love him more than U#@> your parents or children. What an egotistical, arrogant, U#@> self-gratifying and totally fucked up thing to command of your U#@> followers. Christians are fond of saying that Jesus represents U#@> "unconditional" love. Doesn't sound unconditional to me. U#@> UNSAVIOR 85/125: Numbers 31:17 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:39:43 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 56 Date: 10-29-93 22:56 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: Yes To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Numbers 31:17-18 U#@> "Now kill every young boy and every woman who has had intercourse U#@> with a man. Every young girl, however, who has not had intercourse U#@> with a man you may keep for yourselves." U#@> This is Moses speaking to his Batallion commanders after their attack U#@> on Midian. As you all know, Moses was God's right hand man and took U#@> orders directly from God and relayed them to the people. Once again, U#@> the facade of "love and caring" is stripped away and God's true nature U#@> is revealed. U#@> UNSAVIOR Ohhh...ummmmmm.... 86/125: proverbs 23:4 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:42:09 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 61 Date: 11-13-93 20:41 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Verse of the day - Proverbs 23:4 "Do not toil to get wealth; surrender that personal ambition." This verse states clearly that you are not supposed to strive to better yourself. You should [if you want to go to heaven] remain poor and dependant of God and the church. The people who wrote the Bible weren't the most knowledgable people to ever walk the earth, but they did know this: A poor and hungry person is much easier to control. Why doesn't God want you to succeed in life? Without hard work and effort, a person will go nowhere but down. Will God provide for you? I don't think so. The next time your rent is due... tell the landlord that God is going to pay it. The next time your children are hungry..tell 'em to get some food from God. Maybe he'll send Jesus down to do his famous fish/loaf of bread, feed the multitudes trick. Of course if you do wait for God to provide for you, you will end up hungry and homeless. YOU have to provide for yourself.But alas, God has forbidden you to strive for success. it is not up to you to question God's words, only to obey them. I'll tell you what. I'm in a rather generous mood today, so I'm going to help you out and try to make you look worthy in the eyes of your Lord. i am going to see to it that you do not prosper beyond the limits set by the Almighty. So...SEND ME ALL YOUR MONEY!!! Any money you have after you pay your bills is mine. It is God's will that I receive your cash! Don't upset God, he can get pretty nasty, so you'd better send your money today. Don't hesitate...your eternal soul is at stake! UNSAVIOR 87/125: Proverbs 29:23 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:43:19 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 52 Date: 10-00-23 B, 1 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: VERSE OF THE DAY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: VERSE OF THE DAY U#@> Verse of the day - Proverbs 29:23 U#@> "A man's pride will bring him low, but the lowly in spirit obtains U#@> honour." U#@> It's verse like this one that makes christianity so popular with the U#@> "average" man. by bestowin honour on those who don't deserve it, and U#@> at the same time, reducing the worth of the truly deserving, the U#@> common man is able to feel that he is important. It is this false U#@> sense of importance and "holier that thou" mentality that Christians U#@> cling to and use to justify their worthless lives. U#@> UNSAVIOR 88/125: Psalms 137:9 Name: Mephistopheles #1 @9366 Date: Thu Mar 31 14:45:10 1994 From: The Devil's Advocate [913-362-2624] Loc : Kansas Ä Area: THE CHAPEL O ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 73 Date: 12-16-93 20:52 From: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 Read: Yes Replied: No To: All #1 @9299*1 Mark: Subj: Verse of the Day ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QUOTING: Unsavior #20 @9299*1 RE: Verse of the Day U#@> Verse of the Day - Psalms 137:9 U#@> "Blessed be he who will seize your evil children and dash them U#@> against the rock!" U#@> This verse speaks for itself. U#@> Unsavior