---==== A CLOSER LOOK AT EPROMS ====--- A brief introduction to EPROMS, what they are used for, and how they work.. ---=======================--- How an EPROM works: With the advent of Large Scale Integration (LSI) and the decreasing cost of semiconductors, the use of semiconductors as memory elements became possible. Over the last few years, non-volatile semiconductor memory such as the EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) has become an increasingly important part of microcomputer systems. Memory chips in general are carrying enough bits to even challenge magnetic storage in many applications. The EPROM is an important part of microcomputer memory and offers many advantages over available memory devices. The EPROM is not a permanently programmed device; rather it can be erased and then re-programmed when changes are required. Also, the device configuration and fabrication technique has allowed EPROMS to be cost effective for a variety of applications. The heart of the EPROM'S flexibility is in the FAMOS (floating-gate avalanche-injection metal oxide semiconductor) type transistor. __________________________ / Polysilicon Select Gate |\ __________/ ______________________ V \__________ | / ____________________ \ | | SiO2 ___/ / __________________ \ \___ | | |____/ |__________________| \____| | | Polysilicon Floating Gate ^ | |__________________________________________________| Figure 1. FAMOS-Type EPROM Programming the EPROM consist of storing instructions in the form of electrical charges. By application of a sufficiently latge voltage to the cells, electrons are injected into the floating silicon gate. Storage of the charge is possible due to the high impedance of the floating gate structure. The stored charge causes a shift in the cell threshold and switches the transistor to a non-active state. ------ +25 Volts | ____________|_____________ / | \ __________/ __________|___________ \__________ | / ____________________ \ | | SiO2 ___/ / __________________ \ \___ | | |____/ |______e-__e-______| \____| | | e- e- | |__________________________________________________| ^^^^^^^^ Electrons stored Figure 2. Programming an EPROM Cell Because there are no electrical connections to the floating gate, erasure must be achieved by a non-electrical process. The EPROM has a fused quartz lid which permits the ultraviolet radiation to penetrate the cell. By exposure of the polysilicon gate to UV radiation, the stored charge can be drained as a result of photo excitation of the stored electrons. The excited electrons then dissipate into the oxide layer reducing the floating gate capacitance to its original, un-programmed state. The EPROM is then ready to be reprogrammed. UV Light __________________________ UV Light \ / \ / ___\_______/ ______________________ \____/_____ | \ / ____________________ \ / | | SiO2 ___/ / __________________ \ \___ / | | \ |____/ |______e-__e-______| \____|/ | | \____________e-_______e-__________/ | |__________________________________________________| | | | | Electrons exit V V V V Figure 3. Erasing an EPROM Cell Calculating EPROM Erasure Times: EPROM erasure is accomplished by a minimum dosage which is the total amount of UV energy incident on the chip surface during a period of time. EPROM manufacturers normally assign a nominal dose specification to their devices to assist the user in determining proper erase times. The minimum time required to erase an EPROM with a given dosage specification can be calculated from the following equation: Erase Time = EPROM Dosage (W-sec/cm2) x 1000 ------------------------------- Intensity (uW/cm2) Note that this equation is only valid for an EPROM that has been calibrated with a source which has a spectrum equivalent to that of the light source being used to erase the EPROM. Virtually all EPROM manufacturers use a 254nm source to calculate the dosage requirements for their EPROMS. While most EPROM manufacturers' performance specifications ensure a high quality, non-volatile memory device, the UV dose specified is typically a dose sufficient to erase approximately 95% of all such devices. Due to process variations in manufacuring, some 15 W-sec/cm2 EPROMS may require as much as 40 W-sec/cm2. These variations do not normally reflect other aspects of EPROM performance. Most EPROMS will erase well below the given dose requirements. ---=======================---