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filebot m

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: filebot m

Format: Win OS

Description: A simple addon for automating file serving. The addon functions as a bot which listen's for a certain specified trigger to initiate an fserve. Once initiated you have the choice of creating a new account of using an existing one. Once you create an account, you are given an admin specified number of bytes (credits) to download. There is in addiiton a specifed ration. Modifying a user's account is fairly easy either through the popup or '/filebot useredit'. You can also get a view of what user's are doing in the bot through the popup or '/filebot window', there is also an option to private message the users. The author used a very unique idea for storing configuration information. It is stored at the top of the mIRC script file itself. This however may pose problems when running multiple copies of mIRC with the script loaded -- however it is an interesting method for making the script more compact. The only problem I had running it, was that I couldn't save the configuration information from th

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: fnuWinAmp

Format: Win OS

Description: mIRC addon script that uses a DLL file to play mp3, mp2, xm, s3m, mod, it, mtm, mid, wav and voc extension files through Winamp. The script is fairly easy installed, only requiring you to unzip the contents somewhere and to load the fnu.mrc file into remotes. The author also included some documentation in the form of a readme file. It contains setup instructions, description of the features, contact information and version history. My only suggestion here is to perhaps put the file into the same directory as fnu.mrc instead of the script dir. It makes it easier to find. The addon allows you to open playlists, entire directories or single tracks. You can see the id3tags (and supposedly modify them?), adjust the volume, forward/rewind, etc. I have to mention that the sound quality is very bad with this DLL file though. When usually listening to my MP3s without the addon I get much better sound than this. When I try to modify an id3tag, absolutely nothing happens, whether I chose YES or NO. The e

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: hUser 1

Format: Win OS

Description: A user list (auto-op/voice/blacklist) that is based on hash tables. Popup support. One big disadvantage though: It only allows you to add one channel per nick - or rather, host. The addon is easy to install and use. Documentation is presented at the top of the remote file - no seperate readme file. Clean presentation and code. It does what it is supposed to, except for that one big disadvantage, but it's something that the author is aware of. There are a few other things that could be improved imho. At this time, the addon uses address type 19, which is basically nick!*@host. This would prove to be quite inefficient with dynamic hosts. Beyond that, dynamic popups would have been nice, but while simple, this is a good start. There's always room for improvement. ^_^

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ircq evoluti0n

Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: ircq evoluti0n 1

Format: Win OS

Description: An addon that allows you to keep track of people you have on your notify list. No documentation! :-ยช I ran into (*thinks*: 1, 2, 3, 4...OMG) a few errors, ;-) , while running this addon. First off, upon loading this addon, everything seemed dandy, cept for the Spanish instructions (that is Spanish, no?). To load it up, you can type: /ircq. There is no error checking for the dialog being open already, so you will get this error upon trying to load the dialog while it is already opened: * /dialog: 'ircq' name in use. Also, after adding a user, I get this error: * /dialog: 'ircq' name in use (line 9, script.ini) then I get this: 'h Unknown command'. Upon selecting a user in my notify list who was online, I tried sending messages. Worked like a charm, loaded up mIRC's /query window (I guess that's fine). Trying to send a notice was a little more tedious. I get this error when trying to send a notice: * $?: can't use in an event. The author used the 'trick' to fixing this in one of the dialog event

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Category: Networking, IRC Tools, mIRC Addon Scripts

Title: joServer 1

Format: Win OS

Description: A very basic file server script with very few configuration options. Setup was clean and simple extract it, then load the main .mrc file. The scripts just didn't seem to offer very much configuration beyond choosing the directory to server from, the welcome text file to display to users, and the option of enabling/disabling it. To use the script, you simply enable it through its menubar popup and it looks for someone typing !yournick and /fserve's them once this happens. The documentation was brief and to the point, I don't think there is much more that it could have said about the script. There are many more options out there which are much more robust. However, if you are only looking for a simply scripts to setup a trigger for a file server, this would do the job.

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