Thank you for your interest in the CompuServe Information Manager(tm) for Windows - WinCIM(r). Installation Information: - The WinCIM install process will not overwrite existing sounds defined in the WIN.INI file. If the WIN.INI file is updated during setup the original WIN.INI file will be saved as WININI.CIM. - If you are upgrading from WinCIM version 1.0.5 (or earlier) AND you have the "^" character in your password, you will need to re-enter your password the very first time you use WinCIM v1.4. You only need to do this if you have the password stored in your session settings. Support Information: - A context-sensitive Help feature can be accessed from any area of WinCIM by hitting the F1 key. - Go WINCIM to find WinCIM specific information (i.e., a program description, system requirements, product features, ordering, downloading, and support). - Go WCIMSUPPORT to get on-line Customer Support from the WinCIM Support Forum, staffed by senior CompuServe Customer Support representatives. Miscellaneous Information: - WinCIM no longer attempts to determine if the text in menus and articles is column data. This type of data should be displayed using a fixed font. If you are presented with column data that is not lined up properly, switch to a fixed font by pressing Ctrl-T. To toggle between a fixed font and a proportional font press Ctrl-T. - International keyboard characters (ISO Latin-1) can be used in WinCIM. This capability allows WinCIM users to send CompuServe Mail and Forum messages that contain international characters. There are some known limitations to using these characters. For additional information about this topic, see the file WC8BIT.TXT in the "General" Library of the WinCIM Support Forum (GO WCIMSUPPORT). - Sounds (.WAV files) can be associated with WinCIM events (i.e. connecting, file transfer completion, etc.). Sounds can be added and removed through the Sounds module in the Windows Control Panel. New Features in this Version: - You can enjoy interacting with CompuServe Hypertext documents. Documents full of color, fonts, graphics, and hot links are available on CompuServe. You may read them on-line or save them in the filing cabinet to read later. (Go ESM for a sample.) - Use your current Internet network configuration to connect to CompuServe Information Service using the new Window's Sockets (WinSock) support. All of the most popular WinSock-compatible Internet connection mechanisms can be used to connect to CIS, whether they are TCP/IP or PPP dial-up capable. - Telnet to your favorite Internet hosts using full VT100 terminal emulation. Additionally, toggle between full VT100 and CIS (partial) VT100 terminal emulation modes with a single click. - Windows file associations are used to view downloaded files. For example, you can use File Open to automatically view an Acrobat file using the Acrobat viewer. In addition, other applications can be run automatically upon request by the user or the CompuServe host, allowing for robust new application integration with new client software. - You may participate in a moderated conference using a graphical user interface from the new CompuServe Conference Center (Go CCC).