ZZZZZZZZZZZZ AAAA NN NN TTTTTTTTTTTT IIIIII !!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ AA AA NNNN NN TTTTTTTTTTTT IIIIII !!!!!! ZZZ AA AA NN NN NN TT II !!!!!! ZZZ AA AA NN NN NN TT II !!!!!! ZZZ AA AA NN NN NN TT II !!!!!! ZZZ AAAAAAAAAAAA NN NN NN TT II !!!! ZZZ AA AA NN NNNN TT II !!!! ZZZ AAA AAA NN NN TT II ZZZZZZZZZZZZ AAA AAA NNN NNN TT IIIIII !!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ AAAA AAAA NNNN NNNN TT IIIIII !!!! ZANTI! Version 1.2d (INSTANT restart of game!) November 1993 (User's suggestions added since version 1.2c) (Optional rapid end of level) Howdy! Welcome to Zanti! This is a Windows 3.x game that requires you to visiualize and think ahead! The object of the game is to guide the Zanti invaders along the garden path until they reach the ending Path piece. (which can ONLY be entered from the right!) If they do, then the earth's military will wipe them out, and you win the game! If the Zantis get off the path because they reach the end before you can get an appropriate piece in place, or you get a wrong piece in place, or the path ends in a piece you can't change (such as a piece that they have already taken), or you run into their ship or an obstacle, you loose! Watch the ship closely to see which side the Zanti's will come out! You will see the hatch open about 8 seconds before they emerge! Notice also that the score you get is based on how many pieces the Zantis cross before reaching the ending piece (that is, how long the game lasts) MINUS a penalty for how many unused pieces you put on the board!! The longer you keep the game going, the more points you get, but you CAN get a negative score if you just fill the board with pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This requires, therefore, that you place the pieces cunningly, so that there is plenty of space for more path pieces, and then to get the Zantis off to the end! Extra points are also had for using a "X" piece twice. 1. As the levels progress, the line grid will be replaced by fewer and fewer dots to mark the grid locations, till finally nothing is seen! 2. The Zantis will gradually (as the levels get higher) move faster. (by level 30 it will be moving 2x as fast!) 3. Blocks which you must go around will be placed starting with level 3, one more at each higher level. 4. Occasionally a suprise grid spot will be deactivated until you place one or two blocks nearby, then it will be reactivated. 5. After level 10, Radioactive trash-cans will appear that must be collected by the Zantis or you will loose 5000 points per can! 6. The Zanti will move faster as the game progresses... (as I said ) 7. Placing path pieces is a SINGLE mouse click event!! If you try to click fast, Windows will think that you are doing a DOUBLE click and WILL NOT put a piece there!!! If this bothers you too much, go into the Windows CONTROL PANEL under MOUSE and change the DOUBLE CLICK speed to a FASTER setting, and you can click new pieces into place faster! 8. There is a small (1/4 second) time loss whenever you REPLACE an piece that you have already placed that the Zanti! has not gone through... (you also loose 10 points... but you loose more than 25 points for left-over pieces at the end of each round!) You can get around this by "throwing off" pieces elsewhere on the board (but you loose more points for unused pieces!). To activate sounds, music & theme, select them from the Options menu in the start-up screen. If the proper sound files are not present, a system beep will be heard instead of the appropriate sound. To activate PG-13 mode, select it from the options menu of the start-up screen. If the proper image files are not present, you will not be able to select it. These two modes (sound & PG-13) are selected when a checkmark is next to the respective options. The sound configuration is automatically saved each time you change it. PG-13 mode is always deselected... you have to select it each time you play Zanti!. OPTIONS MENU: Allows you to select whether or not you get "sound effects", "music", and "theme music". If you select PG-13, then the PG-13 files MUST be present! You can also select the color display mode (16-color Windows color, 16-color optomized color, and 256 color.) This setting ONLY affects the playing board colors, NOT the PG-13 files! Whatever PG-13 files (16-color Windows color, 16-color optomized color, or 256 color) you have unzipped in the Zanti! directory will be used! INSTALLATION: Unzip sound or PG-13 files in the same directory that you put Zanti! in. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REGISTER YOUR SHAREWARE ON-LINE (Compuserve)!!!: type GO SWREG on Compuserve and register to number: 1397 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the basic version of Zanti!, only the first set of files needs to be in the Zanti! directory: (they should all be there after unzipping the .zip file!)... If you want sound and PG-13 graphics, you'll need additional files. (from a separate .zip file) BASIC Zanti! files*: zantxx.exe zanti.scr zant.cfg hurra.bmp earthxx.bmp (six of these, earth1x.bmp thru earth6x.bmp) Windows MM Sound files (adlib, soundblaster, PCspeaker driver**): xxxxx.wav (29 of these files) PG-13 support files***: girl1.bmp through girl26.bmp R-Rated support files***: girl1.bmp through girl26.bmp (available on LL/CT BBS, see below) X-Rated support files***: girl1.bmp through girl26.bmp (call LL/CT or e-mail me if you think these are a good idea ) notes: * Zanti! will run with just these files present, but you won't be able to select sounds, theme, music or PG-13 (...these are in the Zan12x.zip file) ** If these files are also present, and the Windows sound driver (or adlib, or soundblaster drivers), then you will be able to select and hear sounds, theme & music. (If you use the PC-speaker driver, you must enable interrupts or the action will freeze during sound events.) (...these are in the zansnd.zip file) *** If these files are also present, you can select PG-13 mode and reward each successful completion of a level with a beautiful lady just for you! (...these are in the zan13x.zip file) Version 1.2 Zanti! INFORMATION: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We now support Windows Multimedia sounds (Soundblaster, etc.) if you have set up the Windows Driver properly. Future (upgrade) versions will support STEREO sound via AdLib and SoundBlaster cards. A *MAJOR* video bug was found and fixed in this version! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.2b fixed a bug that blocks would appear at the exit of the ship terminating the game! Also, many more levels of play were added, along with compulsory pieces (radioactive trash-cans). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a general distribution release, meaning that I *really* want to know if you find any bugs! If you find one, I will refund your registration fee!!! This is SHAREWARE, PLEASE SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT BY REGISTERING IT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTER YOUR SHAREWARE ON LINE (Compuserve)!!!: type GO SWREG on Compuserve and register to number: 1397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also register this shareware by putting a $5 bill (or 5 $1 bills, or a personal check with the "payee" or "to" line left blank, we will stamp it... This way is cheaper, but more hassle for everyone! ...but be SURE to fill out the $$ amount and sign your check!) into an envelope and sending it to: PSS/LLCT P.O. Box 1321 Hawthorne, CA 90251 This will insure that more and better games keep coming, and you will be notified! It also entitles you to a FREE YEAR'S MEMBERSHIP in LL/CT, (LabsLine/ComputerTutor)... a unique BBS that provides a place for Students of Science and Science Professionals to meet... Tutoring for Students and Mentorship for Professionals. We also have over 1 Gigabyte of downloadable games, files, images, and utilities for DOS, Windows, OS/2, Unix and MacIntosh. call: LL/CT BBS 1(310)643-9566 1200-14,4k baud N,8,1 (V.32bis & MNP-5) ...If you register, you will be notified when a new version is ready for downloading from LL/CT, or it will be sent to you! ...Also, please send comments/problem reports to Compuserve: PSS/LLCT @ address 71201,1005 NOTE: This program requires vbrun200.dll to be present in the path. You can download vbrun200.dll from LL/CT or Compuserve. Zanti! Path Complexity CONTEST INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTER YOUR SHAREWARE ON LINE (Compuserve)!!!: type GO SWREG on Compuserve and register to number: 1397 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES! If you REGISTER YOUR SOFTWARE at the $10 level, you AUTOMATICALLY become eligible for the $100 prize for the MOST INTERESTING PATH vs PLAY LEVEL contest!!!! More details will be given, but the basic idea is that you can take a snapshot of your path (to the clipboard) then send it in to enter the contest!!! Send for more details! Note: ---*** ONLY REGISTERED ZANTI! OWNERS ARE ELIGIBLE TO WIN ***--- When you register this game, you will be sent a disc with a coded, personalized version of Zanti!. After registation, you can submit images of your paths in .clp, .bmp, .gif, or any other electronic form. The easiest way it to e-mail them to PSS/LLCT 71201,1005 on Compuserve: They will be judged and available for downloading on the Zanti! forum of LL/CT BBS. Winners will be notified by mail (or e-mail if you prefer). YOUR $10 DOES COUNT to help make Zanti! a reality!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES!---PRIZES! ENJOY! See 'ya at the BBS! Doctor Science ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zanti! Registration / CONTEST ENTRY FORM Full Name:_____________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ State, ZIP:____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number (and AREA code):______________________________________ Disc Size: 3.5.....720K Version: G-Rated 3.5.....1.44M PG-13 Rated 5.25....1.2M Version Requested: Please send me ____ copies of the REGISTERED ($10) version of Zanti! and enter me in the $100 grand prize(s) contest for Zanti! Bitmaps. I under- stand that the decision(s) of the judges will be final. I also understand that any electronically altered path images will cause the submitter to be immediately and permanently disqualified from the contest without a refund of registration fee. Please send me ____ copies of the NON-CONTEST version of Zanti! for $5 per copy. This version cannot be used to enter the Zanti! bitmap contest. Signature:______________________________________________________________ (I have read and agree with the contest rules) (DATE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zanti! Path Image CONTEST RULES: (1) Path Image entries must be submitted in electronic form as .clp, .bmp, .tiff, or .gif files, and be submitted to CIS address LLCT 71201,1005 via e-mail or uploaded to LL/CT BBS at 1(310)643-9566 (1200-14.4k N,8,1). (2) Submitters of electronically altered files will be disqualified. (3) Only path images made with Personally Registered ($10) versions of Zanti! will be eligible for the contest. (4) The $100 grand prize will be judged and awarded on the following criteria: (a) level of play (b) path length (c) path winding number (if you're not into mathematics, that's the number of "nested" loops) (d) total number of loops (path crossings) (e) "artistic" merit (symmetry, etc.) (f) creativity, such as paths that spell a word... (5) The judging will be done by members of the "crewe" on LLCT at the time of contest judging. (6) Unless otherwise posted on LL/CT, entries will be accepted no later than the last day of December, 1993, and Winners will be announced no later than Jan 30, 1994 (7) Winners names and registration numbers will be posted on Compuserve, Student's Forum and on LL/CT BBS. (8) Cashiers checks will be mailed to winners via certified mail to the above address (on this form) or to the last address e-mailed to the us at above CIS address or uploaded on LLCT/BBS.