The Second World War ended in Europe in May 1945. Do you agree? 1 The Second World War ended in Europe in June 1945. Do you agree? 0 The Second World War ended in Europe in May 1945. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was made in France in 1789. Correct? 1 The Declaration of the Rights of Man was made in France in 1812. Correct? 0 It was made in France in 1789. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was made in France in 1848. Correct? 0 It was made in France in 1789. Was the Berlin Wall erected in 1961? 1 Was the Berlin Wall erected in 1960? 0 This unfortunate event took place in 1961. The Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom. Correct? 1 Is Austria bordered by Romania? 0 Hungary separates Austria and Romania. Is Iceland located north of the Arctic Circle? 0 Iceland lies just south of the Arctic Circle. Is Norway located east of Sweden? 0 Norway borders Sweden to the west. Does the U.S. Supreme Court have nine justices? 1 Was the Federal Republic of Germany established in the 20th century? 1 Was the Federal Republic of Germany established in the 19th century? 0 It was established in 1949. Was Alexander the Great a Greek? 1 Was Alexander the Great a Roman? 0 This ruthless egomaniac was a Greek. Was Alexander the Great a German? 0 This ruthless egomaniac was a Greek. Was Alexander the Great a Goth? 0 This ruthless egomaniac was a Greek. Did Russia's October Revolution occur in 1917? 1 Did Russia's October Revolution occur in 1919? 0 Whether or not you believe it, Russia's October Revolution occurred in 1917. Did Russia's October Revolution occur in 1920? 0 Whether or not you believe it, Russia's October Revolution occurred in 1917. Did Russia's October Revolution occur in 1918? 0 Whether or not you believe it, Russia's October Revolution occurred in 1917. The First World War lasted from 1914 to 1918. Correct? 1 The First World War lasted from 1914 to 1917. Correct? 0 The terrible years in question are 1914-18. The First World War lasted from 1913 to 1917. Correct? 0 The terrible years in question are 1914-18. The First World War lasted from 1939 to 1945. Correct? 0 The terrible years in question are 1914-18. Are the two houses of Germany's parliament called "the Bundestag" and "the Bundesrat"? 1 Is Norway a member of NATO? 1 Is Sweden a member of NATO? 0 Sweden has never belonged to NATO. Finland is a member of NATO. Do you agree? 0 Finland has never belonged to NATO. Is Austria a member of NATO? 0 Austria is not currently a member of NATO and never has been. Is France's form of government a presidential democracy? 1 Does executive power in Switzerland's government reside in a president? 0 Executive power is shared by a 7-member Federal Council. Is Sweden's government headed by a president? 0 The head of government in Sweden is the prime minister. Does executive power in Italy's government rest with the president of Italy? 0 In Italy's government executive power is shared by members of a cabinet. Was John Adams the second president of the U.S.? 1 Was Thomas Jefferson the second president of the U.S.? 0 Jefferson was the third president of the U.S. Was Benjamin Franklin the second president of the U.S.? 0 Despite his numerous achievements, Franklin never served as president. Was Alexander Hamilton the second president of the U.S.? 0 Hamilton was an important statesman, but he never served as president. Is Kabul the capital of Afghanistan? 1 Is Hanoi the capital of Vietnam? 1 Is Hanoi the capital of Egypt? 0 The capital of Egypt is Cairo. Is Madrid the capital of Spain? 1 Is Copenhagen the capital of Norway? 0 The capital of Norway is Oslo. Is Dublin the capital of Ireland? 1 Is Damascus the capital of India? 0 The capital of India is New Delhi. Is the capital of Switzerland Bern? 1 Neptune is closer to the sun than Uranus. Right? 0 Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, Neptune the eighth. Is North America the continent with the largest population? 0 The distinction in question belongs to Asia. The island Corsica belongs to France. Do you agree? 1 Does New York city lie on the Hudson River? 1 Is Egypt a part of Asia? 0 Egypt, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the east, is part of Africa. Are the Atlas Mountains located in Greece? 0 The Atlas Mountains stretch across north Africa through the countries of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Bremen is a city in Germany. Correct? 1 The Aral Sea is the largest lake in the world. Right? 0 The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world. Does the southernmost point of Europe lie in Portugal? 0 The Greek island of Gavdos, south of Crete, contains the southernmost point in Europe. Does the southernmost point of Europe lie in Italy? 0 The Greek island of Gavdos, south of Crete, contains the southernmost point in Europe. Christopher Columbus set out to discover America in 1492. Do you agree? 0 Actually, Columbus was trying to discover a westward passage to India. Is "accommodation" spelled correctly? 1 Is hemoglobin a hormone produced by the pancreas? 0 Hemoglobin is comprised of the protein globin and red, iron-rich heme. The hormone produced by the pancreas is called "insulin." Elephants are the largest mammals, right? 0 Whales are the largest mammals. The blue whale reaches a length of up to 30 meters and a weight of around 100 metric tons. "Angina pectoris" refers to a narrowing of the coronary arteries. Correct? 1 Is hydrogen the main component of the sun? 1 Is helium the main component of the sun? 0 The sun consists of approx. 75% hydrogen, 23% helium and 2% heavy elements. Neurons are subatomic particles that have no electric charge. Do you agree? 0 Neurons are nerve cells that, together with their processes, comprise the nervous system of animals. Noncharged subatomic particles are called "neutrons." Are proteins made up of amino acids? 1 White blood cells are manufactured in the spleen. Right? 1 White blood cells are manufactured in the adrenal gland. Right? 0 White blood cells, also known as "leukocytes," are manufactured in the spleen. They help with the decontamination of the blood. A thrombosis is a carcinoma. Correct? 0 Thromboses are narrowings or cloggings of blood vessels because of blood clots. They occur most often in veins. A thrombosis is a narrowing of a blood vessel because of blood clotting. Do you agree? 1 Is it true that the cuckoo bird lays its eggs in other birds' nests? 1 Is it true that the woodpecker lays its eggs in other birds' nests? 0 The cuckoo is the so-called "brood parasite": it distributes its eggs among the nests of songbirds. An adult human being has on average 11.6 pints (or 5.5 liters) of blood in his/her body. Correct? 1 An adult human being has on average 6.3 pints (or 3.0 liters) of blood in his/her body. Correct? 0 An adult body contains on average 11.6 pints of blood, from which fact we can infer that blood accounts for approx. 7.7% of body weight. Did Leo Tolstoy pen the short story "The Death of Ivan Ilych"? 1 Did Bertolt Brecht write "The Threepenny Opera"? 1 Did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart compose the opera "Othello"? 0 Giuseppe Verdi composed the opera "Othello" in 1887 at the age of 74. Did Anthony Perkins direct the movie "Psycho"? 0 This movie is one of Alfred Hitchcock's masterpieces. Anthony Perkins played the lead role. Was the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci? 1 "Inflation" refers to the devaluation of money, right? 1 "Inflation" refers to the revaluation of money, right? 0 "Inflation" refers to the devaluation of money. In Greece one pays with drachmas. Correct? 1 In India one pays with escudos. Correct? 0 The Indian currency is the rupee. In Canada one pays with pounds. Correct? 0 In Canada one pays with dollars. In Canada one pays with dollars. Correct? 1 In Portugal one pays with drachmas. Correct? 0 In Portugal one pays with escudos. In Turkey one pays with liras or pounds. Correct? 1 In Turkey one pays with rupees. Correct? 0 In Turkey one pays with liras or pounds. In Austria one pays with kronen. Correct? 0 In Austria one pays with schillings. In Norway one pays with kroner. Correct? 1 Is Germany a member of NATO? 1 Is Grenada an island in the Pacific? 0 Grenada is an island in the Caribbean. Is Helena the capital of Montana? 1 Did Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev live from 1906 to 1982? 1 Did Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev live from 1806 to 1882? 0 Brezhnev was a Soviet politician and lived from 1906 to 1982. In the Falkland War of 1982 Japan and Great Britain fought over the British-inhabited Falkland Islands. Is this true? 0 Great Britain fought against Argentina. Was Galileo Galilei the first European sailor to round the southern tip of Africa? 0 The sailor in question was Vasco da Gama. Was Vasco da Gama the first European sailor to round the southern tip of Africa? 1 Was Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated in 1968? 1 Did Martin Luther King Jr. die in 1928? 0 He lived from 1929 to 1968. Was President Truman's full name "Harry S Truman"? 1 Was President Kennedy assassinated in 1964? 0 The year was 1963. Was the founder of Islam named "Mohammed"? 1 Was Benito Mussolini a Spanish politician? 0 Mussolini was an Italian politician. In 1919 he became leader of the Italian fascists and established a dictatorship in Italy in 1922. Is "inference" another word for entailment? 0 "Implication" is another word for entailment. Premises imply/entail a conclusion. A conclusion is inferred on the basis of premises. Is a donnybrook a quarrel? 1 The German Democratic Republic (East Germany) existed from 1949 to 1990. Correct? 1 The German Democratic Republic (East Germany) existed from 1919 to 1990. Correct? 0 It was established in 1949 and dissolved in 1990 upon becoming part of the Federal Republic of Gemany. Was John Adams the first vice-president of the U.S.? 1 Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, right? 1 The statement "Ich bin ein Berliner" comes from Ronald Reagan. Correct? 0 John F. Kennedy said that during a 1963 visit to Berlin. Does "NATO" stand for "North Atlantic Trade Organization"? 0 It stands for "North Atlantic Treaty Organization." The peace treaty of 1919 between Germany and the victors of World War I is called "the Treaty of Versailles." Do you agree? 1 The peace treaty of 1919 between Germany and the victors of World War I is called "the Four Powers Accord." Do you agree? 0 The treaty in question is the Treaty of Versailles. Can the term "chauvinism" refer to excessive nationalism? 1 Can the term "federalism" refer to excessive nationalism? 0 "Federalism" cannot have this meaning, but the term "chauvinism" can. Is Denmark part of Scandinavia? 1 Is the capital of Portugal Lisbon? 1 Does Poland belong to the European Community? 0 Currently, at least, Poland does not belong to the European Community. The judiciary is the part of government responsible for the administration of justice. Correct? 1 The legislature is the part of government responsible for the administration of justice. Correct? 0 The judiciary has this responsibility. The legislature passes laws. Did George Orwell compose the novel "1984"? 1 Did Orson Welles compose the novel "1984"? 0 Orson Welles was an actor and movie director. George Orwell penned "1984". Was Mark Twain's given name "Samuel Clemens"? 1 Was Mark Twain's given name "Samuel Clement"? 0 Twain's given name was "Samuel Clemens." Was "Moby Dick" written by Herman Melville? 1 Was "Moby Dick" written by Arthur Miller? 0 The author of "Moby Dick" was Herman Melville (1819-91). Did Thomas Mann write "Death in Venice"? 1 The outer layer of skin is the epidermis, right? 1 The outer layer of skin is the encephalitis, right? 0 The outer layer of skin is the epidermis; encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver, right? 1 Hepatitis is inflammation of the gallbladder, right? 0 Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Is insulin secreted by the spleen? 0 Insulin is secreted by the pancreas. Another word for menopause is "climacteric." Do you agree? 1 Is Lima the capital of Peru? 1 Is Phnom Penh the capital of Peru? 0 The capital of Peru is Lima. Is Rabat the capital of Morocco? 1 Is the Red Sea connected to the Mediterranean Sea? 1 Is Bucharest the capital of Romania? 1 Is Bucharest the capital of Poland? 0 Bucharest is the capital of Romania. Is the island of Sardinia located in the Mediterranean Sea? 1 Is Stockholm the capital of Sweden? 1 Is Kiel the capital of Sweden? 0 The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Is the area of Spain larger than that of Texas? 0 Texas is approx. 70,000 square miles (or 180,000 km²) larger. Is the area of Sweden larger than that of Illinois? 1 Is the area of Switzerland smaller than that of Massachusetts? 0 Switzerland is approx. as large as Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island combined. Does the Thames empty into the South Sea? 0 It empties into the North Sea. Is Turin the capital of Tunisia? 0 Tunis is the capital of Tunisia. Does the area of the U.S. total 200,000 mi² (or 500,000 km²)? 0 The area of the U.S. totals 3.6 million mi² (or 9.4 million km²). Does the area of the U.S. total approx. 400,000 mi² (or 1 million km²)? 0 The area of the U.S. totals 3.6 million mi² (or 9.4 million km²). Lava is underground molten rock. Do you agree? 0 Perhaps you're thinking of magma. Lava is the molten rock spewed by volcanic eruptions. Is Saturn the largest planet in our solar system? 0 The honor belongs to Jupiter, which has a diameter of 88,750 miles (or 142,800 km). The diameter of Jupiter is approximately 1 million miles (or 1.6 million km). Correct? 0 That's a bit too much: Jupiter's diameter is a mere 88,750 miles (or 142,800 km). The circumference of the Earth is approximately 25,000 miles (or 40,000 km). Do you agree? 1 The circumference of the Earth is approximately 200,000 miles (or 320,000 km). Do you agree? 0 The Earth's circumference is a mere 25,000 miles (or 40,000 km). The earth's diameter is approximately 7,920 miles (or 12,750 km) long. Do you agree? 1 The earth's diameter is approximately 50,000 miles (or 80,000 km). Do you agree? 0 The earth's diameter is approximately 7,920 miles (or 12,750 km). Is frequency measured by hertz (Hz)? 1 Is frequency measured by decibels (dB)? 0 Frequency is measured by hertz (Hz). Is helium one of the noble gases? 1 The hypotenuse of a right triangle is located across from the right angle, right? 1 An acute angle is an angle that's larger than 90 degrees, right? 0 An acute angle is smaller than 90 degrees. Do zero degrees Kelvin correspond to -373.16 °C? 0 Zero Kelvin is equal to -273.16 °C. Do zero degrees Kelvin correspond to -273.16 °C? 1 A Mach number is a measure of speed given in multiples of the speed of sound, right? 1 Light-speed measures the speed of an object as the ratio of its speed to the speed of sound. Correct? 0 It's the Mach number that measures this ratio. "Productivity" refers to the amount of work performed within a given time-span. Correct? 1 In economics, "potency" refers to the amount of work performed within a given time-span. Correct? 0 The term in question is "productivity." In mathematics, the denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. Do you agree? 1 In mathematics, the denominator is the top number in a fraction. Do you agree? 0 The number on top is the numerator; the denominator is the bottom number. Was quantum theory devised by Max Planck? 1 Are quarks the most elementary known building blocks of matter? 1 Are atoms the most elementary known building blocks of matter? 0 Quarks are the most elementary known building blocks of matter. Is viscosity the friction within a fluid? 1 Is viscosity the friction between two adjacent solids? 0 Viscosity is the friction within a fluid. To galvanize is to coat with zinc, right? 1 To alloy a metal is to coat it with zinc, right? 0 Coating a metal with zinc is called "galvanizing." Is botany the scientific study and classification of plants? 1 Is biophysics the scientific study and classification of plants? 0 "Botany" refers to the study of plants. Biophysics is the study of living beings through the methods of physics. Did Charles Darwin develop the theory of evolution? 1 The Antilles are a mountain range in South America. Correct? 0 The Antilles are a group of islands located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Is New Brunswick a Canadian province? 1 Is Istanbul a city in Syria? 0 Istanbul is located in Turkey. Is Amsterdam the capital of the Netherlands? 1 Is Ankara the capital of the Netherlands? 0 Ankara has been the capital of Turkey since 1923. Is Barcelona located in Spain? 1 Is Barcelona located in Italy? 0 Barcelona is in Spain. Is Bavaria located in southern Germany? 1 Is Bavaria located in northwestern Germany? 0 Bavaria is in southern Germany. Is Lake Okeechobee located in Florida? 1 Is Lake Okeechobee located in Mississippi? 0 Lake Okeechobee is in Florida. Is Lake Victoria located in Africa? 1 Is Lake Victoria located in Australia? 0 Lake Victoria is located on the western border of Kenya, Africa. An axiom is an immediately plausible principle incapable of being demonstrated. Correct? 1 A theorem is an immediately plausible principle incapable of being demonstrated. Correct? 0 A theorem can be demonstrated. It's axioms that cannot be -- and are used to demonstrate theorems. Is Euclid considered to be the father of geometry? 1 Is Einstein considered to be the father of geometry? 0 The ancient Greek Euclid is the father of geometry. Does "endothermic" mean heat-absorbing? 1 Does "exothermic" mean heat-absorbing? 0 It means exactly the opposite; "exothermic" means heat-absorbing. The weight of a body is the force gravity exerts on it. Correct? 1 The mass of a body is the force gravity exerts on it. Correct? 0 Weight, not mass, is the concept in question here. Centrifugal force is the force that impels a revolving object away from the center around which it revolves. Do you agree? 1 "Gravitation" refers to the force of mutual attraction between two bodies. Correct? 1 "Magnetism" refers to the force of mutual attraction between two bodies. Correct? 0 This force is called "gravitation." Mass is the property matter has of resisting a change in motion. Is that right? 1 Inertia is the property matter has of resisting a change in motion. Is that right? 0 Mass is the property in question. Is matter anything that has mass? 1 A molecule is a combination of atoms held together by electrical forces. Correct? 1 A neutron is a combination of atoms held together by electrical forces. Correct? 0 Atoms that are joined together form a molecule. Is an algorithm a rule for solving a problem with a finite number of steps? 1 Is an algorithm a problem that cannot be solved by mathematical means? 0 An algorithm is a rule for solving a problem that has a finite number of steps. "Backup" refers to the safeguarding of saved information, right? 1 Is a bit the smallest unit of information that a computer processes? 1 Is a byte the smallest unit of information that a computer processes? 0 A computer also processes bits, which are even smaller than bytes. Does a byte contain eight bits? 1 Does a byte contain seven bits? 0 A byte contains eight bits. Does "CPU" stand for "central processing unit"? 1 Does "CPU" stand for "central programming unit"? 0 "CPU" stands for "central processing unit." Is one kilobyte equal to 1024 bytes? 1 Is one kilobyte equal to 1000 bytes? 0 One kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes. Can one both write to and read from RAM? 1 Is it true that one can read from, but not write to, RAM? 0 Computer memory from which one can read but to which one cannot write is called "ROM" (read-only memory). Is an ink-jet printer a kind of dot-matrix printer? 1 An ink-jet printer is not a kind of dot-matrix printer. Is that right? 0 An ink-jet printer, like all dot-matrix printers, prints characters as patterns of dots. Does the Amazon River empty into the Atlantic Ocean? 1 Does the Amazon River empty into the Pacific Ocean? 0 The Amazon empties into the Atlantic. Is Wyoming bordered to the north by Montana and to the south by Utah and Colorado? 1 Is Wyoming bordered to the north by Montana and to the south by Nevada and Utah? 0 Utah and COLORADO border Wyoming to the south. Do the Alps run approximately through the middle of western Europe? 1 Are the Alps located in South America? 0 The Alps are a mountain range in the middle of western Europe. Is the volcano Etna located on the island of Sicily? 1 Is the volcano Etna located on the island of Corsica? 0 Etna rests on the island of Sicily. Does the island of Capri belong to Italy? 1 Does the island of Capri belong to France? 0 Capri belongs to Italy. Is Liverpool located on the west coast of England? 1 Is Liverpool located on the east coast of England? 0 Liverpool is on England's west coast. Is the smallest ocean the Indian Ocean? 1 Is the smallest ocean the Atlantic Ocean? 0 The diminutive Indian Ocean claims this distinction. Is Canada the second largest country in the world? 1 Is America the second largest country in the world (in terms of area)? 0 Believe it or not, but the answer is Canada. Is the Missouri River a tributary of the Mississippi River? 1 Is the Pacific Ocean the largest ocean? 1 Is the Atlantic Ocean the largest ocean? 0 The Pacific Ocean is larger. It occupies a full third of the Earth's surface area! Does the Rio Grande empty into the Gulf of Mexico? 1 Does the Rio Grande empty into the Atlantic Ocean? 0 It flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Is Helsinki in Finland? 1 Is Helsinki in Poland? 0 Helsinki is the capital of Finland. Does the Suez Canal connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea? 1 Does the Suez Canal connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Pacific Ocean? 0 The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. Is Rio de Janeiro in Brazil? 1 Is Rio de Janeiro in Argentina? 0 As everyone should know, Rio de Janeiro is in Brazil.